Russians have become victims of "fast fashion"

 Fashion is changing rapidly. Until recently, it was determined the dominant seasonal styles. New Look 50: sloping shoulders, narrow waist and flared skirt, then mini skirts, bell-bottoms and platform-70s. Those who followed these trends, it is fashionable people. In this regard, changing trends and fashions. That is, if earlier, there were two main seasons, now they have four. And at least you need to submit four collections a year.

Meanwhile, in the retail business, a new business formula of "fast fashion". Segment of the fast mode (fast fashion) increases by an average of 15-17% per year. According to the director of Fashion Consulting Group Anna Lebsak-Kleimans, fast fashion strategy can be expressed in a simple formula to offer clothes at the height of fashion at an affordable price. In Europe, in the world of fashion there was even such a term - fashion scout (hunter mode). These people regularly sit on the haute couture shows in notepad and sketched their favorite model. Hardly waiting for a break between these collections, they rush to send their drawings by fax to the central office. Even in that day designers will design new models for them, and in three weeks ready collections will be on hangers in stores worldwide.

Indeed, anyone who today follow high fashion, shop fast fashion, there will certainly find the latest trends embodied in affordable clothes. Specialists fast fashion special approach to work - everything is based on speed. Typically, a collection of shops fast fashion completely updated very often.

Thus, in large stores of fast fashion collections updated to twenty times a year, in small shops - six to eight times. Quick change range saves storage facilities: omnium collection are delivered instantly to own trucks or airplanes. In addition, the fast fashion is not squeamish homeworkers: it allows you to not only cut costs, but also a huge amount of stitching patterns in small batches. Today, fast fashion is actively developing in Europe, where consumers are traditionally more likely to keep up with fashion than, for example, in North America.

Today, in Europe on fast fashion accounts for 15% of the total apparel market, and this percentage is growing. Segment of fast fashion has been a relief for European manufacturers of clothing and footwear. Transportation of goods from China and India to Europe takes too long - up to two months. Most companies fast fashion for so long can not wait, so place their orders closer to the shops. For example, the time of delivery of goods to London or Paris from Spain - only two or three days, from Poland - four days, from Bulgaria - six days, from Turkey or Lebanon - two weeks. Meanwhile, the delivery of goods from Asia may take up to seven or eight weeks. Of course, none of the analysts do not expect the revival of the European textile industry. But fast fashion helps to avoid a total collapse of the industry, it will be important especially after 2008, when the EU completely abolish quotas on imports of clothing and footwear from China.

However, not all companies operating in the segment of fast fashion, refusing the services of the Asian region. For example, the Swedish company H & M offers a wide range of simple products, less prone to the vagaries of fashion, which are mainly produced in Asia, with its cheap labor. In addition, H & M regularly attracts well-known fashion designers to create small collections produced in limited quantities (in recent years their collection for H & M created by Karl Lagerfeld and Stella McCartney). With these collections, the company manages to create consumer excitement and attract buyers - as a result of clothing is completely at odds for several days.

According to analysts, companies operating in the segment of fast fashion, developing very dynamically. So, in 2005, Inditex opened 448 new stores under the brands Zara, Massimo Dutti and Bershka, and H & M - 145 stores. This year, the Spanish company plans to open 490 stores. By 2010, the number of stores Inditex may rise from the current 2, 7 th. To 5 thousand. The company predicts Bain & Co, by 2010, the proportion of fast fashion segment could rise from the current 15% to at least 25%. Unfortunately, analysts believe that Russian designers hardly have time to join in the race for market "fast fashion", as production capacity and logistics in domestic fashion on the order behind foreign competitors.

Tags: fashion, Russian, victim