How to wear white stuff. Some practical advice for women

 They say that a man is what he eats. We can with certainty say that a person, especially a woman, is what he (or rather it) is. Clothes are very much defines our lives. It can serve as an indicator of our social status, our habits and predilections. Our clothes can also be said about the mood of the person, in particular, white light shows and a positive attitude.

Of course, white clothing is not always practical, since it is much easier to mess, which is especially important for our Russian spring and autumn. Nevertheless, a man dressed in white, and always attracted to attract glances.

Summer white clothes is particularly relevant, since it has a number of specific advantages over other clothing colors. For example, the white color is known to be a perfect reflection of the sunlight, so white even in the withering heat slightly cooler than in the clothing of a different color. For this reason, white has always been particularly popular among residents of tropical countries. However, if you prefer to wear white, it is useful to follow some simple rules that can help you feel in such clothes as possible relaxed and comfortable. And So.

White things make certain parts of the body appear larger than they really are, so when choosing a dress in white is useful to remember that. If you want to emphasize your upper body and hips, the best assistant for this than white, you will not find. This, in particular, concerns and white shoes - white shoes can "increase" your feet and you'll look a little lower than it actually is.

White thing, as indeed any other, should you decorate and emphasize the advantages of your figure. Therefore, it would be better if you choose clothes, the most suitable for you. Ideal - white suit made to order. However, this is not necessary. The main thing to thing, whether it be white shorts, Blajzer or blouse, as accurately as possible fit under your figure. It is also useful to emphasize the waist Beautiful slim leather belt.

As for jewelry, the most suitable to white, then you can highlight unsophisticated jewelry from natural materials such as beads made of wood. Effectively also will look white gold jewelry.

If you are invited to a wedding as a bridesmaid (or in any other capacity, it does not matter), do not recommend you to wear a white suit or be dressed in plain white. Not taking away from the bride's monopoly on white in such an important day for her!

Particularly impressive and charming you look in white, if your skin is covered with a uniform beautiful tan. This will once again emphasize your beauty and give your clothes and your appearance a certain expressiveness, brightness and charm.

Have you paid attention to how dressed elderly foreigners walking on our cities? They generally are light colored garments. It always creates a positive attitude and inspires a sense of confidence and joy. What we are worse? Our life sometimes gives not much cause for joy and optimism, so let's instill in ourselves and in others more confidence in the fact that life is bright and beautiful, and let it speak about our appearance, our clothes and our upbeat summer mood!

Tags: advice