Cocktail Dresses 2010 (photos)

 You, like me, probably feel the excitement when it comes to dresses. In my head at once sweeping set of images - the legendary Coco Chanel and her little black dress, Vivien Leigh from "Gone with the Wind" in a luxurious dress faded curtains, amazing and outstanding dresses unforgettable Marilyn Monroe, nostalgic, charming and graceful as their mistress, dress Audrey Hepburn ... To remember all the inspiring examples from the history of perhaps the legendary subject of women's wardrobe, will take time. At this time, the women's magazine JustLady tell you about the most, perhaps, sophisticated and at the same time unchained dresses for cocktail parties.

Under the heading Trends: Maxi Dress

Even some twenty years ago, Russian women do not know whatCocktail Dresses for what they are. Today visit the cocktail party becomes a matter quite familiar, almost commonplace. All kinds of receptions, corporate parties, theatrical performances, banquets, art exhibitions and the opening of the exhibition, various official events - one of these events is the direct reason to dressCocktail Dress.

Cocktail Dresses 2010 (photos)
Cocktail Dresses 2010 (photos)

Cocktail dresses presented to us by America, a country which in the 20s of the last century downright rattled Jazz Age and the Charleston. The era will open her legs for women and for all to give up long snare dress. This time we remember ribbons silent movies and fashions for dress with low waist - it is here that the story beginscocktail dress.

Cocktail dresses 2010 (photos)

The end of the First World War, Prohibition in the United States, the first private cocktail parties for whom the fashion is brand new dress. Less luxurious than the evening, but more refined than everyday. Closer to the 30 th year closed cocktail events have become ubiquitous, style of dress to such parties has also undergone a huge transformation. The fact is that at this time on the fashion scene appears a woman, born to be a queen of fashion - Coco Chanel. It was she who taught women to be diverse, seductive, elegant and rather incomprehensible. Her little black dresses are now all at the same time it has revolutionized the world of fashion. Little black dress and still remains the most elegant solution to visit any cocktail evening. Also in the women's "cocktail" wardrobe 1930-40-ies a lot of muslin dress floral pattern and small cap "fic-jib to one side."

Cocktail Dresses 2010 (photos)

Cocktail Dresses feminine undergone reforms in the 50s. The famous Christian Dior pulled elastic waist corsets for women, raised the figure by offering high heels and feet in nylon stockings with a seam excited man's imagination. After World War II in the women's minds more keenly awakened feeling like and inspire. Dior has managed to become a dictator of taste and create a new, romantic image. Proclaiming the line and silhouette conductors fashion, he was able to teach women to be enchanting. Proposed in 1947, nostalgic, romantic and feminine silhouette Dior was not original and innovative. Introducing into their collections bottom lace skirts, corsets, belts - all that created a strict charm of our grandmothers and what women were trying to free themselves during the time of Chanel, Dior simply returned the old style.

Cocktail Dresses 2010 (photos)

'Space' 60s and their accompanying music Beatles changed much in fashion in the very style of life. Instead, dresses, women began to wear turtlenecks, mini skirts and tights, and high plastic boots. Exotic 70th, and then the disco era of the 80s - the time of untidy hair, makeup nondescript, multi-layered clothing. It was only in the 90s was to pay tribute to female beauty as such, andCocktail Dresses were rehabilitated completely. In fashion came feminine, glamorous silhouettes prewar Hollywood cinema. Elongated, stylish shapes to pull women again become attractive.

Today, fashion gives women tremendous freedom. The freedom to choose their own elegant style. In each collection of contemporary designers, necessarily presented Cocktail Dressesa variety of styles. All kinds of fabrics - Ryty and smooth panne, brocade, satin, chiffon, pleated silk - all this variety allows you to create masterpieces. Must-have accessory to the cocktail dress is a small clutch bag.

Despite the fact that the main motto of fashion to go forward, it always does so with an eye to the past. Bright, changeable, wonderful, whimsical - a mod before us throughout its long history ...

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: party, star, dress, fashion, cocktail