Stress test

 Check with women's magazine JustLady. Remember what happened to you in the last six months. Each event corresponds to a certain number of points. Count them and find out what state is your body, how much stress you have accumulated.

In category Beauty: Harvesting edema of the eyelids and under-eye circles

Event Number of points

Divorce 73
Separation from loved 65
Bereavement 63
Illness or accident 53
Marriage 50
Dismissal of 47
Reconciliation with her husband 45
Deteriorating health of someone in the family 44
Pregnancy 40
Sexual problems 39
Childbirth 39
Changing positions or duties 39
Changes in financial position 38
The death of a close friend 37
Changing jobs 36
Frequent domestic quarrels 36
Credit or loan 31
Start of independent living son or daughter 29
Conflict with in-laws 29
Outstanding Individual Achievement 28
Spouse starts or stops working 26
Beginning or end of the study 26
Change in living conditions 25
Revision of personal habits 24
Trouble with boss 23
Changing conditions or operating time 20
Relocate 20
Change the institution 20
Sleep disorders 16
Diet 15
Vacation 13
Holidays 12

If you scored from 0 to 150 points - So now your life was going well. You are calm, confident and you are not so easy to unsettle. Many might envy you.
 But we should not delude ourselves too, life is known to be quite unpredictable and often surprises. So be prepared for the fact that not everything is so rosy. Can be complicated situations, the main thing - do not lose interest in the world around them and do not forget how to enjoy life.

If you scored between 150 and 300 pointsMeans that in the last six months there have been events that made you nervous. Your body is a little tired. Not a bad decision - to allocate one day or even night a week for yourself.
Perhaps the first family will, as before, claiming all your free time. But a little perseverance and firmness, and they understand: this time is sacred and belongs only to you.

If you score more than 300 points - Hence, the stress in your life is more than enough. And an urgent need to take action, otherwise it can become chronic and take a long time.
Remember the wise saying: if you can not change the circumstances, change your attitude to it.
Excellent assistant in dealing with stress are St. John's wort, motherwort or herbal preparations, such as Persia.

If you yourself can not cope - consult a specialist.

Tags: test, stress