How to secure your gut on vacation

 Hardly anyone traveling into a long-awaited vacation, especially in tropical southern countries, seriously thinking about how to behave in these countries will feel our Central European intestine. But this complex organ capable of revolt from unfamiliar delicacies, spices and different way of cooking food. And then - the end of holiday! How to avoid it?

The fact that disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract - one of the most common summer problems - not a secret. There is even a medical environment such informal term as "stomach traveler."

And we must remember that often to help local doctors can not count (or not usual for us to drugs or problems with communication - not everyone owns a rare languages ​​such as Swahili). So where better to capture the desired therapeutic agents with him from home.

However, with intestinal problems you might encounter and not go abroad. It is enough to go to the country or to the country and go to "Store" on the natural food from the garden or farmstead. Here medication for stomach and intestines may be superfluous.

But in addition to the familiar pharmaceutical drugs there is another possibility of treating emerging problems, a "soft" and not associated with side effects. We are talking aboutPhytotherapy orherbal medicine. Today I offer some universal recipes, tested in practice and recommended by leading German doctors.

First of all it is necessary to consider that the above recipes are only suitable in cases where there is no organic cause digestive disorders: patient no ulcer or colitis, and it is known that the disorder is not caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. In these cases, the doctor will help is required, because it requires treatment potent antibiotics.

In other cases, may be useful decoctions of plants such as chamomile, emetic nut or peppermint.

The recipe for eliminating lung gastrointestinal disorders, flatulence and feelings overflow. Mark:

5 g of flowers hollyhocks and marigold,
15 g coriander and cumin seeds (crushed)
30 g of seeds of anise and fennel (crushed).

Seeds are crushed to release contained therein essential oil. 1 tablespoon of the mixture is 150 ml of water. The mixture is poured boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. Drink in the form of heat between meals, up to 3 times a day.

When functional problems associated with liver and biliary system is very effective the following recipe:

10 g of peppermint leaves and cumin seeds (crushed)
30 g of fruits and milk thistle herb dandelion with roots

1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture (from top) Pour 250 ml of boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes. Take up to 3 times a day for one cup.

The combination of vomiting with diarrhea is often caused by poor hygiene, especially in tropical countries, and leads to a deficiency of carbohydrates and salts in the body.

Quickly to fill this deficit next tea helps:

1 liter of black tea (for 10 minutes)
8 tablespoons (without top) sugar
1 tablespoon (without top) salt, add if necessary, lemon, cloves and cinnamon.

This tea drink sips throughout the day.

Children's stomach can provide invaluable help herbal tea:

1 teaspoon of crushed fennel fruits pour 200 ml of boiling water, after 10 minutes, strain and then use this tea for making bottle feeding.

Mild laxative, which has a rapid effect, serve tea prepared by the following recipe:

20 g of elder flowers,
10 g senna leaf, chamomile and fennel fruits (crushed).

2 teaspoons of this mixture pour 4.1 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes, after having covered, then strain. Take one cup in the evening.

Suggested recipes, it is desirable to use after prior consultation with a physician. They do not cause side effects, but prolonged digestive problems should be checked for the presence of infection. In any case, we recommend to prepare teas and herbal teas in advance and include them in your first aid kit traveler.

Alexander Borisov

Tags: intestine, vacation