Green light for a dazzling smile. Laser Teeth Whitening

 Wins the lady that looks good, and extending the value of the old adage, we are ready for what we will have to meet not only the dress. To create the image of a well-groomed woman soveremennyy everything is important: manicure, hairstyle, make-up, self-confidence and always in a good mood, which is a sure sign - a radiant smile. But what if her appeal marred by a lack of snow-white? Help laser teeth whitening and a women's magazine JustLady, ready to talk about it in detail.

In the category Women's Health: home teeth whitening

Getting rid of the "dark past"

There are three primary colors of enamel (yellow, yellowish-white, and blue and white) and a lot of shades. However, even the whitest teeth by nature, alas, are not immune from the changes caused by many reasons. Darkening of the teeth can be superficial and internal. On the surface, darkening on the tooth affected by smoking, frequent consumption of coffee, tea, red wine, dark juice, as well as some products - such as blueberries, coloring itself as enamel, and it accumulates in the tartar. Teeth look dull and give the impression of clean enough. However, no matter how unpleasant superficial contamination did not appear, they succumb to remove easily, efficiently and for a long time.

Internal staining of teeth is less common and requires a more serious intervention. Spots in the "body" of the tooth can be triggered by the use of dyes during the formation of tooth enamel, use of prenatal development (approximately 4 months of pregnancy the mother) or early childhood (0-7 years), tetracyclines, an excess of fluoride in the body, and and age-related changes that cause "wear" enamel. However, for such problems, in most cases you can find a bleaching solution, only the procedures take more time and effort than a superficial staining, and require more advanced dental technology and a highly skilled medical care.

Today dentists offer several ways to professional (it is also called the office) teeth whitening. Almost all of them are based on the oxidation of hydrogen peroxide solution tridtsatipyatiprotsentnogo, which accelerates the action of heat or irradiation. The most modern and one of the most progressive considered laser teeth whitening, Recently officially appeared in Russian dental clinics and public health permitted. Laser whitening gives the maximum instantaneous and long-term effects, including cleans deeply and strongly stained teeth, moreover, this technique sparing the soft tissue of the oral cavity. Unfortunately, there is no odoznachnyh medical research data showing that laser whitening in the long run strengthens enamel, because the procedure is still relatively young, but the harm it definitely does not work.

Laser teeth whitening. Five Steps to a Hollywood smile

Due to the use of concentrated preparations and complicated expensive equipment laser whitening can only be done by a medical practitioner. Procedure Laser whitening preceded by a consultation with a dentist who examines the oral cavity: the state of the gums, mucous, possible restorations or fillings and predicts the result: in some cases, you must first fix the existing deficiencies, and then take care of the snow-white teeth. It is possible that the visible crown or tabs, selects the color has darkened enamel, on a background of bleached teeth will look too dark, in which case they need to be replaced. There are two types of contraindications: laser whitening do not do that if the patient suffers hypersensitivity hard tissues of teeth restored and if he has more than natural.

Before you begin any bleaching, doctor polishes teeth and gums closes the special plastic overlays to them did not affect bleaching gel is safe for enamel. After applying the gel tooth surface is irradiated with an argon or greenish flashes - at least - a neodymium laser. This occurs at a distance of 1-2 cm from the tooth, each tooth is processed for about 30 seconds. Laser firstly accelerates the oxidation reaction of hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with atomic oxygen, secondly, "decomposes" colored molecule microparticles, which helps efficient and will get rid of them. Upon termination of the laser, the gel remains on the teeth for a few minutes, and then washed five times applied.

 Laser Teeth Whitening absolutely painless, but doctors warn that tooth sensitivity may increase and recommended for at least 10 days to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and ekstramyagkoy brush, as well as about a week to refrain from drinking coffee, tea, wine, brightly colored food and cosmetic lipstick. If the gel, despite all precautions, still got the gum will appear red and irritated, but they will not bother you for more than 48 hours. Effect of Laser whitening lasts at least 5-6 years. According to the women's magazine JustLady, a good way to extend it - regular visits to the dentist and regular (every 6-12 months) removal of tartar.

For those who like to choose

The only negative laser teeth whitening - Its high cost. In that case, if you dream of pearly teeth, but low on money, a good alternative to green flash can be photobleaching. Its technology is almost identical Laser whiteningWith the only difference that the bleaching effect is enhanced gel using a halogen lamp called Zoom, and again it is applied three times. After irradiation the lamp is applied to the teeth immediately crystallizable amorphous calcium phosphate in the enamel filling microcracks and smoothing its surface. Zoom-whitening allows you to lighten your teeth 8-13 shades and its effect lasts for several years.

 Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bleach