The Shining Stars: Polina Raikina

The Shining Stars: Polina Raikina
 Polina Raikina - young Russian actress. Despite his young age, she has already gained popularity and the love of viewers. She was born a girl in a family of actors, her father - Konstantin Raikin - a talented actor and director of the theater "Satyricon". Polina from childhood decided that follows in the footsteps of his father. At the age of six the girl already voiced young men in the theater.
 After receiving a high school diploma Raikina decided to enter the Shchukin School. Head of its course was well-known actor and activist Paul Arts favorites. That he saw in eccentric student of acting ability and data.

While studying at the School of Pauline met with the famous Russian director Pavel Snisarenko. At this time, a man was looking for actors for the filming of a new melodrama "Samara-town." He offered the girl a small cameo role. It is this pattern was the debut of his career Raikin.

After graduation, aspiring actress began playing at the theater of Stanislavsky. Viewers could see her in the play "Man and Woman" in the role of Snow White in "The Frog Princess" in the role of Martha and many others.

In 2010 Raikin offered a role which earned her popularity and the love of the audience. She played the main character in the film "All for You". After this picture directors actively started to offer his work.

Since 2011, the audience can see Pauline Raikin at the theater "Satyricon". She plays the role of Smeraldina's in the play "Blue Monster", based on a play by Carlo Gozzi. In addition, she serves on the stage of the Moscow theater "Theatre.doc."

Now the actress is actively involved in her career, she appeared in several motion pictures that will soon rise in rent. In her spare time she is resting with friends in nightclubs metropolis. About marriage have not thought, arguing that it is not her time had come.

Polina Raikina shocking surrounding their appearance, for example, it can be seen in sneakers, surrounded by pink bows. Outwardly, she looks older than his years, while it is smart for his age and was used to solve their problems.

Tags: star, actress, radiance, careers, biography, Pauline, Raikin