The Shining Stars: Pauline Kutepov

The Shining Stars: Pauline Kutepov
 Pauline Kutepov - Honored Artist of Russia. Woman with childhood dreams of being on stage, which is why with his twin sister she enrolled in the theatrical circle formed at the school. Viewers familiar with Pauline in the film "Anastasia" in which she starred. It was this picture made it recognizable.
 Kutepov grew up in a family of engineer astrophysics. She was lively and mischievous girl, and this despite the fact that she had no siblings, only two sisters. According to the actress, her character is very strongly influenced overbearing and strict father. The elder sister - Zlata - played a major role in the career of Pauline, in fact she led theater twin sisters, causing them to act in an organized her home theater.

After receiving a high school diploma, Kutepov decided to go to the directing department GITIS. Pauline passed the entrance exams well, and therefore was credited to the course well-known teacher and artistic director of the Moscow theater - Pyotr Fomenko.

Her acting career began at school. At the age of ten Pauline played the daughter of the protagonists of the film "Vasily and Vasilisa". In the same year, the director George Yungvald-Khil'kevich offered Kutepova namesake play in the comedy "Where did he go away."

After graduation, course leader offered the girl to join the troupe "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop". Viewers could see her on stage in the role of Viola in Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", as Vera in Turgenev's comedy "A Month in the Country" and other plays. Actress for her role as Vera was awarded the "Idol."

In the second year of the Institute Pauline fell in love with his teacher Eugene Kamenkovich. It was he who later became her husband. In 1997, a happy family daughter Hope.

Pauline Kutepov still appeared in films, viewers can see her in the film "Father", in which she plays a major role. In addition, the actress starred in such films as "Circumstances", "Pelagia and the White Bulldog", "Cadenza" and others. In 2012, on the television screens out Michael Krechinsky series "Military Hospital", which involved Kutepov.

Tags: star, shining, career, life, Pauline, filmography, Kutepov