Sports idol: Yelena Isinbayeva

Sports idol: Yelena Isinbayeva
 It is said that the name of Elena literally condemns a woman for success: among the fair sex is most often sought Helena best results. Biography Athlete Yelena Isinbayeva - another proof.

Oddly enough, the most titled in the world pole vaulter started as a gymnast. Elena was born in Volgograd? June 3, 1982, and at the age of 5 years old began practicing gymnastics, along with her younger sister Ina. Isinbayeva continued to engage in this sport and in the school of Olympic reserve, but it felt unpromising and expelled. In this sports career Elena could end, not really begun, but the fate of the future champion decided her coach Alexander Lisovoy. He showed a Woman Yevgeny Trofimov -treneru athletes, and from that moment the fate of Helen changed dramatically.

After just six months after the change of sport Elena was already a step away from the podium, a little short of the third place at the World Youth Games of 1998. In 1999, Isinbayeva won the World Junior Championships, and a year later repeated her success. From that moment jumps 4 feet began to give her with incredible ease, and each time the athlete was flying higher and higher.

In 2003, Elena has set his first world record - 4, 82 m, which was followed by another 26. In 2004, Isinbayeva was waiting for the first Olympic victory, and in 2005 it surrendered to the 5-meter line. This achievement has opened a new page in the history of women's pole vault.

In 2008, Elena won his second Olympic gold medal, setting an Olympic first, and after him, and a new world record - 5, 05 m. The following year, 2009, the year it was made subject to a new height - 5, 06 m. It was already 27 th world record set this tireless athlete.

In 2010, in the career of Helen there was a small glitch, and she was forced to take a timeout. During this free time away from the sport Isinbayeva managed to defend his thesis and received the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. However, in the early winter of 2011, Elena returned to the sport, winning the tournament "Russian Winter" with the best result of the season in the world. And there is no doubt that this talented girl there is still a lot of world records and winning the highest standard.

Tags: careers, biography, idol, isinbaev