Sports idol: Elena Dementieva

Sports idol: Elena Dementieva
 In 2010, all tennis fans were shocked by the news of the departure from the sport one of the greatest tennis players of our time - Elena Dementieva. After the end of one of the most prestigious tournaments, thanked all his fans, Lena announced that he was leaving the world of professional sports forever. Dementieva valued and respected not only all fans of tennis, but her opponent around the court. Talented tennis player game forever be remembered by all his bright personality.

On his retirement from the sport Elena says, "It was an emotional decision. I decided to get away from tennis at the beginning of this season, so play all the tournaments was morally difficult, because I knew it - the last time. I am now very sad ... "Let's priotkroem veil of the past and examine how Elena began his brilliant career, let us remember all of her accomplishments, everything that makes all love and remember a wonderful tennis player of our time - Elena Dementieva.

Lena was born in 1981 in Moscow. Her mother - Vera Semyonovna with her husband loved the sport, so the family council decided to give the girl ... In this section of rhythmic gymnastics. However, there is a 5-year-old Lena completely criticized, saying that she was too tall and full. After a while persevering mother still gave the girl in the sports society "Spartacus" in section tennis. Subsequently, Vera Semyonovna was always there with his daughter. You could even say that his successful sports career future Olympic champion owes mother.

Dementieva was lucky to begin with. Once in the same group with Nastya Myskina, girls improve their skills under the guidance of Rouse Islanova - mother Dinara and Marat Safin. Elena remembers that her first coach was pretty strict, but fair. Training brought the girl pleasure. She fell in love with this game for real. Since childhood, Lena and Nastya stood out in the group of its unprecedented tenacity and a great will to win.

His first success Elena Dementieva reached in 1996, when she comes to the semi-finals of the French Open Championships. In 1998, in Moscow, held the first World Youth Games. Elena is the first. Professional career of a young tennis player is going well right after these games. One year later, Dementieva among the hundred best tennis players in the world. There is already a real struggle begins.

Elena - a truly talented athlete who always surprised everyone with his emotional game. Sometimes she could lose 0: 4, and then gathered his forces triumphed over an opponent with a score of 6: 4. In 2000, Dementieva became the silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Sydney, but it just reinforces it. It appears a new goal - to become the first in the upcoming Olympics. Olympic gold she will win only in 2008, but as a great tournament to hold it in front of this many emotions give their fans ...

Tags: game idol Dement'ev champion