Safura Alizadeh

Safura Alizadeh
 Safura Alizadeh - a young but very talented Azerbaijani pop singer. Her amazing performance captivated millions of viewers at "Eurovision-2010" where she represented her country. The song Drip Drop deservedly earned its 5 performer in the overall final table.
 Safura was born in Baku on 20 September 1992 in an artistic family. Her mother by profession - designer and pianist, his father - a painter. The girl started singing when she was 4 years old, and her debut on stage took place in the 6 years of age. Since then, she has participated in almost all music competitions Azerbaijan and won the TV project "New Star".

Alizadeh began studying at the Ballet School, then, after the fourth grade, parents transferred her to a regular high school. In parallel, the young singer trained in the School of Music in violin and there mastered the saxophone. In Azerbaijan, this instrument played mainly by men, and after a brilliant secondary music school girl was practically the only saxophonist. In addition, the mother of a child singer instilled an interest in fashion. Together with her Safura sewed their first costumes and showed extraordinary makings of a designer.

In 17 years, Alizadeh took part in the national selection of Azerbaijan to participate in "Eurovision-2010" in Oslo. Graduate of the eleventh class was sure that she will represent his country. Talented, bright, and ambitious girl naporitsaya not going to dwell only on participation. She had no doubt in his abilities and hoped that Eurovision will be her only successful start.

Stylish, energetic and incredibly talented, she was the perfect combination for the Land of Fire. From the words of experts and the results display, clip to the song «Drip Drop» received a "one hundred percent." Of course, much of its success video was obliged team of professionals - Ueyraytu director, stylist Tanya Gill and choreographer Knight. Very well, it was also chosen filming location - Kiev Opera House, and spa-center five-star hotel creates a unique and fascinating combination. But, of course, most of the credit belongs to the success of the clip Safura. She showed a fantastic performance.

Alizadeh feature performances in the competition was a solo performance of the song. Prior to this, participants from Azerbaijan sang duets. Contrary to the doubts of skeptics, Safura overcome stiffness and fear, and showed itself on the stage of "Eurovision" at its best.

After the contest singer moved to Sweden, where he recorded his first album. Today it serves and continues to work on the album. Plans to continue his studies and graduated in Stockholm. In her marriage plans are not included.

Safura is closely following the life of their country, and often arrives in Azerbaijan. In February 2012, she entered the musical history not only as a singer - to the final of "Eurovision-2012" Alizadeh announced live on the results of the final vote on the country.

Tags: singer