Person: Darya Sagalova

Person: Darya Sagalova
 Light Bukin - character known throughout the country for its impenetrable stupidity. Few people know that the actress Daria Sagalova, the play of light, graduated from high school with a silver medal, as well as the University with honors.

Daria Sagalova was born December 14, 1985 in Podolsk. Since childhood, the girl is seriously involved in dance and performed in the children's dance group "Fantasy". Dasha studied well, pleasing their teachers and parents. When she was 17 years old, her dance group went to the Festival "Faces of Love". It was there that she was noticed by the director of the state theater actor Oleg Butahin, and offered her a role in his theater.

As fate happened that statement Butahina closed, but Dasha noticed she made her debut in a production of "The Nutcracker" at the same theater. A year later, she graduated from high school, received a silver medal, and entered directly into the Plekhanov Academy and the University of Art and Culture. Ranged Sagalova long, and opted for the university. Already in the first year, she began actively removed in small and episodic roles.

Soon came the role that brought Daria Sagalova nation-wide fame and love - the role of light Bukina in the sitcom "Happy Together". Dasha not just accept the fact that this role was scared at first, because it means more responsibility. Yet the role of sexy, but impenetrably stupid girly it was a success, as many fans of the series called Dasha light and recognized his love for her.

Images of light Bukina very much stuck to Sagalova, and she was forced to appear in other paintings to prove the audience that it is - a talented actress diverse. So, in 2007, Dasha starred in "I'll never forget you! "Ingrained bitch who tried in every way to return former lover. Soon, she starred in the film "Night Sisters", where she played a nurse.

Now Daria Sagalova continues to act in films, working in parallel in a theater actor. Not so long ago Sagalova created her own show-ballet "Lincoln", as well as a dance school for children.

Tags: person, Daria, Bukin