Neordinarsnaya fate Olga Chekhov

Neordinarsnaya fate Olga Chekhov
 She could have spent her life in the shadow of his legendary aunt - the actress Olga Knipper Moscow Art-Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's wife. But young Olya Knipper, named after the famous relative, has made over time that talking about her as much as its famous namesake. Here are just these conversations, especially in Soviet Russia, were not always pleasant ...

Olga K. (with the youth it was called so as not to be confused with Olga Leonardovna) Knipper was born on the territory of modern Armenia, then in the Russian city of Alexandroupoli, which now no longer exists. The average of the three children in the family of an engineer Knipper, she was her father's favorite. No wonder that, seeing her daughter in a passion for acting, loving dad girl sent to Moscow, to the sister. For young Oli this trip was as good as winning ticket. Live in the capital, the famous cousin, the widow popularly beloved writer. In addition, Olga Leonardovna reacted to the arrival of his niece more than favorably. Organized a 16-year-old budding girl in school-studio of the Moscow Art Theatre. Olga did not disappoint his patroness: the first is played by her role of Ophelia in "Hamlet" was the triumphant. Public and reviewers praised the duo Knipper Jr. and her cousin, too young and too promising actor Michael Chekhov, who played the role of Hamlet. 

Talk about them as a pair of professional, but Knipper and Chekhov quickly transferred partnerships in closer. According to his contemporaries, the outbreak between "children" passion was very unhappy Olga Leonardovna: that even fainted when the niece announced her feelings for Misha. But Olga and Michael persisted: cousins, they were only formally, not by blood, so there is nothing to prevent them marry. A year after his arrival in Moscow, 17 years old Olga Knipper changed his name to Chekhov. Soon, the family had a daughter Ada, named, in the fashion of those years, in honor of Olya's sister. And a couple of years, the couple filed for divorce. Common Causes - "do not get along."

Now, freed from the bonds of marriage, coming out of the shadows become famous in theatrical circles husband, Olga Chekhov could return to his own career. However, several years of sitting at home with the child said, out of the cage interesting theater actresses automatically dropped. But quite unexpectedly opened cinema. And - German. Went to Germany at the invitation, Olga had the opportunity to play in a silent movie, which suited her so cold, expressive beauty. Suddenly she was so popular among the German audience, which has entered into several contracts for the survey, decided to stay in this country. Adopted citizenship, learned the language, which is very handy when the cinema came the sound. Helped with the visit to Germany not only his daughter and her mother, but her ex-husband. And, of course, has got a huge amount of solid fans. Among which were. Hitler and Goebbels, the Nazi leaders. 

By the time Germany had already reigned Third Reich, Europe blazed in the fire of war. In this case, when the Nazis continued to look into the interior SAVE, been to her performances, presented with gifts. Later, in his memoirs, Olga K. denied that friendship with Hitler and Goebbels, but the facts speak for themselves. Thus in 1945 the actress visited the historical homeland, and in two months. went back to Germany, as if nothing had happened. How could this happen in a country where planted at a much lower score? Why did the Soviet authorities did not arrest "Nazi prispeshnitsu"? One answer is obvious: all this time Chekhov was a secret agent of the Soviet intelligence in Nazi Germany. Its proximity to Hitler, of course, was at the hands of Soviet secret services. However, documentary evidence of this version as long as historians or not. Chekhov itself until the end of his life kept silent on this subject. She died at 82 years old, taking with him the most important secret, and making numerous biographers speculate about the fate of an extraordinary actress. 

PS To the Editor: pozh correct a mistake in the title the word "Unconventional" :)

Tags: fate, Hitler, Czech, Olga, Anton Chekhov, Knipper, P., Goebbels