Hailing from KVN: Sergei Svetlakov

Hailing from KVN: Sergei Svetlakov
 Many famous actors or actresses who were born and brought up in an artistic family, come to his profession, as they say, "inherited". Sergei Svetlakov - the exact opposite of this stereotype. He was destined to become a famous athlete or a railway, but life was very different. If Sergei, a student, did not go to KVNschiki, we would never have been able to evaluate his brilliant acting talent.

The whole life of Sergei from birth has been associated with the railroad. And Sergei was born December 12, 1977 in Ekaterinburg (then Sverdlovsk), in the hospital railway clinics, located in the Railway area. Then he went to study at the railway school, and then went ... In the Ural State University of Railway Transport. In an interview with Sergei Svetlakov on this occasion said: - "This is my sleepers, rail was life."

While studying at the University revealed that the main "svetlakovsky" talent - humorous. Sergei himself organized student KVN team called "Park of the current period," and later (in 2000) became a member of the famous team "Ural dumplings". Tall and attractive blond perfectly fit into the team. The most significant achievement "ravioli" was the league title, but more valuable was the experience gained universal recognition.

"Ural dumplings" were able to create a unique style of behavior on stage. They even joked somehow unusual, not fitting into a recognized format than won the Audience Award and numerous fans. Sergei Svetlakov was, as they say, the soul of the team. He immediately became a leading actor and author of many sparkling and non-jokes among the "dumplings".

Amazing talent writer Sergei helped in the future, when, after leaving the team in 2004, he decided with his wife to move to Moscow. In the ancient capital humorist once included in the active job. At that time, in addition to the development of the project "Our Russia", Svetlakov edited several entertainment TV. Finally in 2006, due in theaters "Our Russia" - the main creation of his life, which is rightly elevates the artist to the top nationwide popularity.

Screenwriting Sergei goes well with the cast, and a duet with Misha Galustian simply amazing. That only is the role of Ivan Doolin - Chelyabinsk Milling with different sexual orientations. Execution Svetlakovym multiple roles in this program looks so convincing that causes involuntary smile even the most skeptics.

Tags: family, life, Sergei, Svetlakov Svetlakova