Daniil Strakhov: Isaev from the future

Daniil Strakhov: Isaev from the future
 Daniil Strakhov - famous Russian theater and film actor. On the TV channel "Russia" was showing the multi-picture "Isayev" about youth scout Shtirlitsa Daniel Insurance starring. This series has become very popular and brought Daniel fame.

Daniil Strakhov - famous Russian theater and film actor. Born in Moscow on March 2, 1976. Daniel - a classic representative of intelligent Moscow family, relationship to the acting profession, his relatives have. His mother - a private therapist, and her father - once the researcher, philologist and linguist by training, is the publisher of the scientific journal «Palaeoslavica», is currently living in the United States. At that time, when a son was born, he was researching the life of Russian Prince Daniil Galitsky, why so unusual at the time the name of the boy has got it at the insistence of his father.

Study it was simply uninteresting. But the theater attracted the attention of more from school. Therefore, in 1993, after receiving the certificate of the boy easily passed the entrance exams and got into the Moscow Art Theater School to Vanguard Leontiev. But a year later he decided to transfer to the Shchukin School. His mentor was himself Yevgeny Simonov.

Film debut actor, while still a student, took place in 1996. It was a bit part in the film "Rise of Arturo Ui" directed by Boris Blank eponymous product of Bertolt Brecht.

In the theater as Daniel started playing after school. In 1997, he became an actor Theatre. Gogol. The first role of Prince Ableukhov brought the boy first prize in the "Moscow debuts". Notorious experiment was the work on the role of Chikatilo in the play "Tower Chikatilo" - this work was given to the actor is very difficult ...

Since 2001, the actor was admitted to the troupe on Malaya Bronnaya, where he played many memorable roles that have been appreciated by many prizes. This period also marked and new movies of the actor.

Daniel Strakhov fame for his role in the television series Baron Korf "Poor Nastya". This was followed by roles in "astrologer", "Children of the Arbat", "hucksters", "Storm Gate" and many others.

But perhaps one of the most notable was his work in the film multiserial "Isayev". Actor went to the main role of the young Maxim Isaev, Shtirlitsa future. The picture tells the story of the difficult early career intelligence officer and its implementation in the White movement in the Far Eastern Republic in the 20s of the last century.

Daniel admits that playing a young Shtirlitsa was very difficult, but he knew that such a chance can no longer be, and therefore decided to take up the role. And no wonder, because this film won the hearts of millions of viewers and brought the young actor deserved fame.

Tags: fear of the future, the role of Daniel, Isaiah