Biography: Tatiana Kotova

Biography: Tatiana Kotova
 Own solo career winner of the title "Miss Russia 2006" and former member of the sexiest trio "VIA Gra" beginning in the autumn of 2010. Interesting arrangements, qualitative pop music, hit tunes, along with a beautiful appearance - these are the main ingredients for success Tatiana. In his work, she addresses the audience appreciating the sincerity and quality rather than a fleeting fashion.

Tatyana Kotova was born on 09.03.1985 in the settlement of Sholokhov, which is in the Rostov region. The girl's family is very friendly, as evidenced by a close friendship with a girl younger sister Katya, which is the absolute opposite of Tanya.

With a wounded childhood, parents instilled his daughter desire for physical development and perfection. With this Tanya was very flexible and ductile. Already during his school years Tatyana showed great interest in the scene. The girl was involved in almost all events held at the school, was an active figure in the drama group. She also engaged in ballroom dancing and aerobics.

In 13 years, Tatiana has a new hobby - belly dancing. The girl really wanted to learn how to skillfully perform belly dance. Parents bought her a special video courses, because none of the local teachers to inculcate such skills Tanya could not. She worked alone, was stubborn and persistent in achieving its goal, which allowed her to achieve great success. Fascination with oriental dance developed in her an even greater flexibility. His first victory was gained by Tatiana during his school years - she won the title "Miss Autumn-98" and "Miss Sunshine."

In the third year of study at the University of Rostov Tatiana accidentally saw one of the leaders of the largest in the southern Russian model agency "Image-Elite". She offered the girl to attend a master class, and when he took Tanya, was very pleased with her abilities. After that Kotov has been actively engaged in the model school and walk the runway.

Soon Tatyana Kotova gets an offer to participate in the contest "Best Model of the south of Russia." It is among the top five. This was followed by new contests and win. Among them, it is worth noting such titles as "Rostov beauty" and "Vice-Miss Crystal Crown Crimea."

In 2006, she received the title of "Miss Russia - 2006", and with it the right to represent Russia at the world's most prestigious beauty contest "Miss World" and "Miss Universe". In 2007, both held the contest. The contest "Miss Universe" was held in Mexico, and the contest "Miss World" - in China. Unfortunately, both of these titles Tatyana Kotova have not been able to win.

But the long-cherished dream come true the other girls. As a teenager she dreamed of singing in the group "VIA Gra". At the disco girl dancing to the first hits of the group and knew all the songs by heart. In 2008, Tatiana becomes involved in this collective.

To study vocal prowess of the girl gone a month. Also at this time recorded fragments with Tatiana to have footage video for the song "I'm not afraid". And in May 2008, a group in the new part of successful tours in Russia and abroad. In March 2010, Tatyana Kotova left the group and began work on a solo project. Also showed the girl and her acting skills by playing a business woman in the film "Happiness somewhere nearby."

Tags: history, biography, Via, Tatiana, cats