Biography stars: Robert Redford

Biography stars: Robert Redford
 Robert Redford - American actor, producer, was born August 18, 1937 in California. After school, he moved to Europe, where he spent several years painting. Back in the US, Radford entered the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he studied acting.

Robert Redford acting career began with theater roles and the cinema came in the early 60s and was not immediately achieved star status.

Radford's film debut took place in the film "War Hunt" in 1962. Although the lack of roles he felt and played a lot, but to attract the attention of film critics he succeeds only in 1967, starring in the movie "Barefoot in the Park." During these years, Radford grows from picture to picture, he seeks as soon as possible to replace role "sweet boy." His acting texture athlete blond demanded traditional positive role he was destined by fate to fulfill the role of romantic hero westerns.

Therefore fame came to him with the role of the noble bandit from the cult western "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" in 1969. The painting, which became a partner Redford Paul Newman, gathered unprecedented at the time the cash-more than 100 million.

The most famous role Robert Redford that period - Western "Jeremiah Johnson", 1972, "The Sting," 1973, "Three Days of the Condor", 1975. In the last film actor finds new shades in his game, his usual coolness and calmness gave way to a feeling of loneliness, vulnerability and zagnannosti.

In the mid-70s Radford founded his own kinofirmu "Wild Wood" and tried his hand at directing. Here he also excelled, receiving for his film "Ordinary People," "Oscar" in 1980. But his next directorial experience failed, the painting "The war in the bean field in Milagro" about the struggle for Indian land, audience success did not use.

Redford much involved in charity work, he established a scholarship for students of Indians, helps schools located on reserves. In 1980, having bought a large plot of land, Radford opened a school aid talented debutants - filmmakers.

Robert gives a lot of energy Conservation of Nature, planting forests and bred trout. Throughout his life, Robert Redford actively engaged in social activities, today he is a bachelor, leading a solitary life.

Tags: star, actor, biography, Radford, producer