Biography stars: Mary Aronov

Biography stars: Mary Aronov
 Mary Aronov childhood dream to be an actress, and even often staged mini-performances, delighting residents of his yard. Thirty years later, it is recognized that this histrionics helped her to assert themselves.

Mariya Aronova was born March 11, 1972 in Dolgoprudnom. Even as a child the future actress loved to entertain their neighbors, arranging performances. Mary herself later called these performances only opportunity for self-assertion, as she studied in school is bad enough, and did not give parents a reason to be proud.

In 1989, Maria entered the Shchukin School and a half later, gave birth to a son Vladislav. Soon it was noticed by Arkady Katz, who invited her to work in the Vakhtangov Theatre. After some time, Aronov has played in three performances ("Marriage Bal'zaminova", "Zoyka flat" and "The Threepenny Opera").

In 1994, Mary was a graduate of the Shchukin Drama School. For the role of Catherine the Great, which the actress has performed in the graduation performance, she was awarded the State Prize KS Stanislavsky. After graduating Aronov continued to work in the Vakhtangov Theatre, where, as recognized by Mary herself, she always carries long and large roles.

A year after graduating from college actress made her debut in cinema, starring in the film by Sergei Ursulyak "Summer People". Maria began to receive proposals for the shooting, but most of them have been rejected, referring to employment in the theater and young son. After the TV series "Moscow vacation" and "Passion" began to recognize her on the street.

In parallel with the shooting in a movie, Aronov time to play in the theater, and play to the limit of their capabilities. In 1997, her acting game finally appreciated: she was awarded the prize "Crystal Turandot". And two years later, Mary was awarded the prize "Idol" as the "Hope of the Year".

The actress went on to combine theater and cinema. She has starred in dozens of films and TV series: "Brigade", "Request Stop", "soldiers", "Hunting for elk," etc. In 2007 Aronov critics appreciated by awarding the prize "Nika" for Best Supporting Actress. This role was in the film Musi Stanislav Govorukhin "actress". Maria admits that working with Govorukhin allowed her to go to a new level of acting.

Now Mary Aronov married to the head of the transport department Vakhtangov Theater, where she still continues to work. Since 2009, did not leave any film work with her participation, the actress on this occasion did not survive, stating that such a break would help her to put more effort into their roles in the theater.

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