Biography star: Ashton Kutcher

Biography star: Ashton Kutcher
 Ashton Kutcher was born in 1978 on February 7 Iowa in Cedar - Rapids. His father's name was Larry Kutcher, he was a member of one of the famous factories for the manufacture of products. Ashton also has a twin brother - his name is Michael and sister.

As a child, Kutcher is very worried about his brother, because at an early age he showed heart disease. Ashton even tried to commit suicide, but nothing happened. The operation was successful and soon his brother better. When Kutcher was 13 years old, his parents still decided to divorce.

 Then the whole family decided to move to Homsted where Ashton quite successfully graduated from high school. And in 1996, after graduating from high school he went to enter the university of Iowa. He decided to enter the Faculty of Biochemistry, in order to find a facility that could completely cure his brother. Money for school, he earned himself. His stepfather had his own flour mill, where he swept and cleaned the flour.

 When Ashton studied, then took part in various sporting activities. But it was a dream - to play on the stage. It just so happened that Kutcher could not finish university, and all because it was too noisy. But despite all that, he was seen by a popular modeling agency, where he was offered a part in the popular competition "Face of Iowa." The competition he won with much success, and the grand prize was a trip to New York - New York.

 A trip to New York discovered a lot of new features. He signed a contract with one of the well-known modeling agencies. Then he starred for different magazines. But his dream was still to become an actor, and he was not going to stop there. Soon he decided to move to Los - Angeles.

 From 1998 to 2006. starred in the TV series called "That '70s Show," it was his first starring role. Then received an offer to star in the movie "Where's My Car, dude," where he played a teenager who was a drug addict. In 2005, he met Demi Moore, who soon became his wife. The actor is still filmed in various films and enjoyed great success among fans.

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