The meeting place for the figure.

 What is fitness bar? For a start - a place where you can relax after an active workout. Sit in a comfortable environment to relax tired out muscles. Or, conversely, to tune in to the workers' bouncing way before class. Here you can see the inflated man of your dreams ... In general, the place in every respect useful and necessary. But since it's still a bar, although fitness, he still carries and a payload. Here offer visitors to use something delicious with health benefits.

Now almost every health club has a fitness bar. As a rule, Phineas bar trying to make the most comfortable and stylish. There you can get acquainted with the "sport" fish in the aquarium, which set up an invigorating atmosphere to achieve sporting success. Range in the fitness bar varied. There is in existence and sports nutrition, and fresh juices, fruit and vegetable, and milk shakes with syrup on a natural basis, but they should not be too carried away, that.for they are quite high-calorie. To replenish forces can offer you a special herbal tea "Energy". It consists of plantain, flowers sunflower, mint, elder and many different useful herbs. Indispensable attribute of fitness bar - energy drinks, fat burners and protein shakes. Brands that have already proved themselves to be - Prolab, Universal, Twinlab and others. The additives are powders, capsules, in liquid form,. It is preferable to use liquid. They are best absorbed by our bodies. When choosing supplements you consult a fitness bar, advise, what line of sports nutrition is better to choose.

Specialists developed a special sports nutrition for women. The fitness bar offers vitamin supplements, fat burners, energy sports drinks. Even professional line drugs. They can be taken not only to professional sportsmen. But also for people who just want to keep yourself in shape. These drugs increase efficiency, improve blood circulation and reduce stress on the heart during exercise.

And now about protein shakes. There are several types of them. Preference is given, considering the features of the organism. First, consult with a trainer. These cocktails contain 25 vitamins and minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Your coach may choose to have a comprehensive line of "Lady Fitness", designed specifically for women. These cocktails are made, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the female body. By the way, they are very tasty. Determination of the dose - especially individual case. And each body reacts differently. Take all that is sold without any system, it is impossible. Nutritional supplements sold without prescription. Fitness bar - not a pharmacy. But not a cafe where you can safely try all menu cocktails. Better to turn to the coach, who make up an individual nutrition program and recommend that the fitness of the existing bar suits you best. Although during workouts is nothing better than the water had not yet invented. The main thing - to do everything in a complex. Exercise and eat. Then accelerate the burning of excess fat and improve well-being.

The fitness bar you can offer oxygen cocktails on the basis of medicinal herbs. It's a harmless treat even for children.

If you want exotic, there are phyto-fitness bars. There is a huge range of vegetable juices in exotic performance: carrot-beet, cucumber and ginger seldereevo-. There juice from germinated wheat germ. Wheat is grown to a certain size, sheared and squeeze out the juice. The use of certain: juice displays the body of harmful toxins, protects the hair from falling out, slows the aging process. The skin is cleansed, improves its color, and varicose veins are not threatened. The fitness bar after a workout to try ginger tea with low-calorie sweets. By the way, this is an excellent remedy for colds. Very warms up and does not cause drowsiness. Unusual and distinctive taste. It's worth a try.

In general, going to the fitness club, take a look at the fitness bar. Find there is a lot not only delicious, but also useful. Fruit juices, cocktails useful to everyone, the health drink and have fun!

Author: Svetlana Alexandrova

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