Seasonal complex cunning lazy

 Charge do laziness. Especially when the window autumn Khmara and so early in the morning do not want to get out of a warm bed. What if you try to do morning exercises in bed right? ..

Charge do laziness. Especially when the window autumn Khmara and so early in the morning do not want to get out of a warm bed. What if you try to do morning exercises in bed right? .. It turns out, it is possible! Moreover, this set of exercises is not only convenient, but also effective. He will energize you for the day.

Waking up, proceed to the preparatory phase of gymnastics. Slowly stretch, stretching his arms back and trying to stretch his body from the toes to the heels. Then strengthen the right side of the tension by pulling back on the right hand and right foot respectively on forward. Then perform a "constriction" to the left.

Raise your hands above him 10 times, squeeze and unclench his fists. Rotate your wrists - 5 times in each direction. Similarly, rotate the feet (5 times in different directions) and do the same amount of flexion and extension of the toes.

Now massage your earlobes. There are many active points, the impact of which will help you "wake up" the vital organs and systems.

The last stage of preparation - special exercises for the capillaries. Pull the hands and feet up - on the bed is only the head and back. Fine-fine limbs shake for 20-40 seconds, as if to shake off the water. This movement helps to reveal the smallest vial. It normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation. It is especially useful for people who wake up difficult or suffer from reduced pressure.

Now - shegymnastics.

1. Let's start with the exercise of the Pilates system for the back muscles and body. It gently tones and, incidentally, improves digestion. Lying on your back, lower back a good push to the bed. Not taking it, exhale, lift your head, lift your shoulder blades pulling arms forward and simultaneously lift the legs about 45 degrees. Exhale, bring your knees up to her stomach and grasp their hands, rounded spine. Repeat three to five times.

2. The next move is very useful for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. It accelerates the blood, strengthens muscles and helps get rid of cellulite. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place the feet close to the buttocks. Place your heels on the bed. Extend hands along the body. On the exhale, lift your pelvis so that from the shoulders to the knees to get a straight line. The head of the bed does not come off. On the inhale, return to the starting position. Then again, push the pelvis up. Hold this position and slowly straighten your right leg up. Then fold it, put your right foot and straighten the left leg. Then again, bend, put the foot and lower pelvis. Repeat pushing the buttocks with alternate leg lifts three times.

3. Now - exercise for the spine. It will help him regain flexibility and eliminate the back pain. Roll over on your stomach and gently pull the buttocks to the heels, as if "crawled" back. Do not lift your head, hands are outstretched. Feel the stretch in your lower back.

Get on your knees and hands. Make sure that the knees were just below the pelvic joints and elbows - under the shoulders. With arch your breath back down, pulling up the crown and navel - down. With an exhalation Bend, reaching the spine to the ceiling, and the head and hips - down. Repeat this sequence three times.

4. Staying in the same starting position - drawing on his knees and hands, but the back straight - tear off your knees, straighten your legs and move your body weight on the toes. Should get a plate with support for hands and feet. Try not to lift your head up. Let neck will be a continuation of the straight line of the spine. Hold for ten seconds, and again lower the knees. Relax for five seconds. Repeat this complex three times. Planck perfectly strengthens the muscles of the body and legs. When finished, tighten the buttocks back to the heels and relax your back.

5. Sit on the bed, crossed ankles in front of you and your back straight. Gently pull the right ear to your right shoulder, then change direction. Repeat three times. Then follow three semicircular head movement from one shoulder to the other. Again straighten the neck and three times slowly tilt your chin to your chest, stretching the back of the neck.

6. Continuing to keep your back straight, hands folded behind his back to the castle. Three times raise and lower palm, connecting the blade on the rise. Then follow the rotational movement of the shoulders - three times back and forth.

7. Maximum back straight, turn around back, reaching out with his right hand on a diagonal left-back and left as if pushing himself, relying on his right thigh. Hold in a twisted position for 10 seconds and repeat to the other side.

8. Continuing to sit, "Turkish", lower right forearm on the bed next to the right hip. Left hand, pull over your head to the right. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat to the other side.

9. The last movement in this initial position. Once again a good straighten your back and falls down, elbows on the bed in front of the lower leg. Gently stretch the crown down. Hold for 10 seconds and erectile gently rounded back.

10. Now sit on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide. Slowly lower down between the legs, relaxing back and neck. Feel the stretch in your back and hips. Stay "hang" for 10 seconds. Then, slowly, vertebra by vertebra, rise, straightening his back.

11. Transfer the body weight on the foot and stand up to his full height. Heartily stretch upward, trying to "grow" a couple of centimeters.

Feel like in boiling energy? Smile - you're ready for a new day!

Tags: complex, lazy