How to choose a gym?

 IF YOU ARE decided to buy an expensive subscription to the gym, use the proven expert advice.

How to choose a perfume


The club should be located close to your home. Otherwise, every trip to the hall will be a torture for you because of the long journey and compulsory standing in traffic jams.


Be sure to carry out a trial workout. Many rooms are equipped with incompetent, cheap and uncomfortable simulators. Get familiar with each. It's a shame to pay for shoddy goods.


Look to the instructor. If they are smiling and are set to help customers, then this is your place. Worse than not, when instructors go through the hall with inflated views and pretend not to notice the ordinary customers, those who did not take them private lessons. In fact, the instructor - your first friend and helper. His task - to create a special room in the club atmosphere. According to statistics, just because of her and recorded in the club.


Choose a club that opens early and closes later. Sports schedule sometimes difficult to fit into the rhythm of the working day, so sometimes you have to train and late at night and early in the morning.


Management staff of the club must understand that the Club is not a subscription for you buying essentials. And if so, then the question of payment you have to decide in confidence, "luring" discounts and offers additional free services.