Ronnie Wood

Ronnie Wood
 British musician Ronnie Wood is well known to fans of good old rock groups as a member of "Rolling Stones" and "Faces". Extravagant and mysterious, Ronnie combines true professionalism with reckless teenager. Saying that "friendship is friendship, and service service" - not for him.
 Wood was born June 1, 1947 in England, in Middlesex. His full name - Ronald David. Nature has endowed the creative talent is not only one of Ronnie. Arthur and Ted, his elder brother, also a professional musician. Thanks to them, Wood Jr. learned to play guitar and clarinet, and in the age of 9, performed on stage as part of skiffle group "Candy Bison", who also directed his brothers. He played the washboard.

However, at that time, the future star was more interested in drawing. Ronnie went to the London College of Arts Ealing College of Art. However, the thirst for music took up. In 1964, he joined the group «The Birds». The group lasted until 1966, and not writing a single full-length album. Ronnie Wood was the author of several singles. In parallel, he graduated from college.

Occupation artist demanded independence and courage. In his youth, as Wood was trying to find himself, mostly on the sidelines. He gravitated to the collective attitude in life. Draw he did not give up, but decided to present their creations to the public only in adulthood.

After the collapse of "The Birds" musician while playing in the group "Creation", then with his friend singer Rod Stewart joined as bass guitarist of the group "The Jeff Beck Group". Wood participated in several tours and recording two albums. These albums, "Truth" and "Beck-Ola", recognized as a classic rock music.

Later, Wood and Stewart are adjacent to a group of "Small Faces", which is now referred to simply as "Faces". Wood takes part in concerts and recording of the album the group is actively helping his friend Rod Stewart recorded his solo albums. Friendship has always been to Ronnie above all.

After the collapse of the "Faces" Wood also began a solo career. In 1974, he recorded his first album, a year later - the next, and in 1976 released together with Ronnie Lane, another musician "Faces" their third album.

It was at that time already well-known and popular band "Rolling Stones" needed a bass player to replace the retired Mick Taylor. Wood already faced with the "Rolling" on the song recording singer Arnold "Come Home Baby" in 1968. Mick Jagger was a producer. He invited Wood as a bass player. Then Ronnie first picked up this tool. Since then, relations with the musician "Stones" became the most friendly.

In 1973, Wood hit on one particular extravagant and was surprised to learn that her husband - Mick Jagger. By his wife Jagger treated very cool, and he even flattered that someone took his woman.

Mick decided that Ronnie - sociable, reliable, without unnecessary ambitions perfectly fit into the group. Susceptible to a kind word voodoo "Rolling Stones" made a gift - along with George Harrison, and Rod Stewart and his band recorded on the disc one of the albums of Wood.

Ronnie Wood's debut as a part of «Rolling Stones» became one of the most memorable and extravagant concert band. Since 1976, the musician becomes a full member of the team. His party solo and rhythm with Keith Richards becomes the "highlight" of the group.

'Rolling Stones' Ronnie nickname called Disney woodpecker - Woody. Now without Woody, disheveled and unflappable, with a constant cigarette in his mouth, it's hard to imagine a "Rolling Stones".

To date, the musician continued to record solo albums and continues to help your friends and colleagues.

Tags: biography, Ronnie, Rolling Stones, rolling, stones