Person: Róisín Murphy

Person: Róisín Murphy
 Róisín Murphy became known for his voice, which in combination with the original arrangements Mike Brydon made popular group «Moloko».

Before meeting with Brydon Murphy had no professional singing experience. Their acquaintance began with the phrase "Do you like my tight-fitting sweater? "That's what they named their debut album in 1997. Their romantic relationship continued until the release of the last album, Statues. In the interim, the group «Moloko» released two more albums, two remix. Róisín Murphy spoke to Boris Dlugosz as a singer song «Never Enough», which became a club hit in Europe. Statues album became very successful, but nevertheless this group ceased to exist «Moloko» and close relationship Murphy and Brydon.

In 2004, she recorded a solo album «Ruby Blue», which has become a famous producer DJ and composer Matthew Herbert. This album has been praised by music critics, though not become a bestseller in the world. After the album's release was followed by a successful tour in Europe. Album «Ruby Blue» was recorded at Echo Records, Róisín Murphy remained true electronic canvas «Moloko», but already experimented with jazz, pop and rock.

In 2005, Murphy gives two concerts in Moscow, the first on June 11 in the Garden "Hermitage", the second in the club XIII November 5th.
In 2006, Róisín Murphy enters into a contract with the record company EMI Records and released the album «Overpowered», which was released on 15 October 2007 in this record singer adheres to the traditional pop-disco. The second single, as support for the album - song Let Me Know was released in October 2007

After that, Róisín Murphy began a tour of Europe. October 26 held a concert in St. Petersburg, and 27 October- in Moscow. During a speech in Moscow at Caviar singer hit his head on the chair, is the requisite for the song Movie Star, Róisín broke eyebrow bone and was immediately hospitalized. However, this is only a little trouble in the singer's career, it certainly offers new achievements.

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