Person: Dima Bilan

Person: Dima Bilan
 Dima Bilan - this name is widely known all more or less versed in music to people. The winner of the contest "Eurovision", winner of countless awards, singer and actor - all of which he, an ordinary guy from Karachay-Cherkessia.

Viktor Belan was born on December 24, 1981 in Karachay-Cherkessia, in the small town of Ust-Dzheguta. The family moved twice, resulting in little Victor went to school Maisky city. Since childhood, the boy differed outstanding abilities, he often arranged concerts for their neighbors. In fifth grade, Victor went to music school, and began to sing in the choir, in parallel engaged in class accordion.

In 1999, Victor moved to Moscow and entered the College. Gnessin. Having a hard morning - study and work, evening and night - work in the store in order to somehow feed themselves. In 2002, Victor met with Yuri Ajzenshpisom that immediately drew attention to it, and realized that before him a future star.

On the advice of Ajzenshpisa Victor begins to act under the name Dima Bilan. At the end of the repertoire of Gnesinka Bilan was already three clips, the debut album, and countless concerts. In 2003, the singer takes on the "New Wave" in Jurmala fourth place. A year later, Bilan entered GITIS on the faculty of acting.

In the same 2004 Bilan presented to the public's second album, "On the bank of heaven." Clip on the same track for a long time remained in the rotation music channels. Bilan has successfully participated in the qualifying round of "Eurovision 2005", but just a few points behind Natalia Podolsk, and took second place. In December of the same singer won two awards "Golden Gramophone" for the song "You've got to be close."

In 2006, Bilan became the representative of the Russian contest "Eurovision". The song «Never let you go» took the second place, becoming a worldwide hit. In July of the same year the singer released his third album, "Time-river", which sold throughout the former CIS millions. Dima Bilan became a recognizable brand, which guarantees the success of any enterprise with its participation.

In 2008, Dima Bilan again took part in "Eurovision" contest, this time winning bezogovorchnuyu victory with the song «Believe». New flurry of pop hit on a young artist. In 2011, he released the album "The Dreamers," and is currently on tour in support of this album. Soon Bilan is planning to marry his current girlfriend Elena Kuletskoy.

Tags: singer, person, dim sum, Bilan