Person: Cate Blanchett

Person: Cate Blanchett
 Australian actress, successfully acted in films and brilliant acting in the theater, has long proved that it can play any role. Talent this woman heaven endowed with a vengeance, besides giving her unusual appearance and strong character.  

Like many of the great actors of the theater and cinema, Cate Blanchett as does not planned to become world famous. Her life can not be called easy. When Kate was ten, heart attack, carried to the light of her father, and taking care of her and her brother and sister fell on the shoulders are completely unprepared for this turn of his mother, who at the time was a schoolteacher. Cate Blanchett's acting talent manifested itself during his school years: the girl took part in almost all the school plays. After she also appeared on stage with enthusiasm in college. The University Blanchett studied economics and art, but did not complete their education, drop everything and go get acquainted with life in England.

Running out of money and passing the euphoria of travel has got a lady to Egypt, where she accidentally fell into the crowd to shoot a film there. This was the beginning of her acting career. Understand exactly what she wants from life, Kate returned home and enrolled in the University of Dramatic Arts, graduating with glitter. Already the first received her role in the theater won the critics. Continuing work on the stage, she decided to try her on television, appearing in a cameo series "GP". Then the roles were serious, complicated and becoming more interesting to the extent that, as aspiring actress gained experience.

Despite the fact that Cate Blanchett Filmography grew with the speed of light, this recognition came after the actress leading role in the film "Elizabeth", where Kate looked truly complex image is so good and talented that even the most picky critics have found something to say . Another very bright compared to many roles was the role of the elf in the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings." Despite the fact that Kate was shown only a few times for all three films, she was able to play so that viewers remember more than some of the main characters. The whole thing in an unusually strong energy of the actress, which raised the girl to such heights.

Tags: role, person, Kate