Biography Nonna Grishaeva

Biography Nonna Grishaeva
 Nonna Grishaeva was born July 21, 1971 in Odessa. Its way into art began early. Talented girl, engaged in Odessa Ballet School and the School of Music in vocal debut on the stage of the Odessa Operetta Theatre back in ten years. Nonna - young, talented contemporary actress who works in one of the most difficult genres - comedy.

The actress entered the Shchukin School, from which he graduated in 1994. After releasing it immediately took the troupe School Vakhtangov. There's a young girl worked long and soon went to work a DJ on the radio station "Silver rain". Parallel Nonna took part in the performances of the Moscow "Quartet". She has acted, since the nineties, however, all was not a role that would have made her famous and recognizable, but the actress has gained a lot of experience during these surveys.

Bright talent characteristic Nonna, who knows how to be funny, easy to dance and vocal talent which has attracted. Grishaeva starred in many comedy series, sitcoms such as "Lily of silver," "My Fair Nanny", "Luba, children and the plant", "Daddy's Daughter."

After she brilliantly played Nona beauty in the play "Radio Day", she once again performed the role in the film, and then in its sequel - "Election Day". Nonna has played in the last project "Quartet" in the film "What do men."

The actress starred in many television movies, programs, talk shows, commercials. Yet the main talent of this versatile actress - pop. Nonna - beautiful parody in the show parodies "Big Difference" she parodied more than three dozen characters, very similar, while tactfully. She is subject to reincarnation in a completely different and dissimilar women, and it is very rare.

Recently, the actress got her own sitcom "Nonna, come on! "One of the main Russian television channels, in which she brilliantly tireless and cheerful as always.

With such intense professional life Nonna manages to be a wife and mother. The first marriage took place with actress actor Antonio Derov. The result of this union: a fifteen-year daughter Anastasia. After the marriage broke up, the actress again married actor Alexander Nesterov. In this marriage they have a common child - a son, Ilya. He was born in 2006.

Career does not interfere with Nonna be a good mother and a good wife.

Tags: actress, career, life, biography, Nonn, Grishaev