Time to eat? Diet for a self-made woman

 It's hard to be in shape if the work takes almost all of your time. Every day working women vowed to myself to go to a proper diet and enroll in a fitness club, but in the rush of a new working day make it very difficult. JustLady, talks about how to keep your figure in the rate of the busiest business woman.

... In the morning, it would be desirable not to eat, and sleep. A cup of coffee or a glass of juice - the most that the ability of many business women. During the day, they are reluctant to cut out 10 minutes for lunch, quickly swallowed in the cafe, if not surrounded by papers and in front of the computer.

In the evening, the situation is not better: in those same 18 hours when nutritionists recommend dining, busy lady still works like a bee, and the meal again postponed indefinitely. In the complete absence of power want more and not gain weight. How can that be?

Quietly, there are no unsolvable situations. Proper daily menu (and without severe restrictions) will help you to not feel hungry during the day, as well as get rid of two unwanted pounds in a week.

Morning we met ...

In the morning, still do not skip breakfast - it's not very good. But too tight gorge also should not be. Eat yogurt or drink a glass of milk and a couple of hours arrange a real breakfast. It is better that it was not a cookie or candy, RFQ tea and cereal, cheese sandwiches or salad.

The advice of nutritionists: eat fruit! They have a lot of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber ... How to implement this advice into practice when on the following notes: "Eat 3-5 servings of fruit a day, preferably separately from other foods?"

Very simple: eat fruits should be either 30 minutes. before a meal (so much time is required for processing thereof) or 3-4 hours after.

It is believed that fruit, getting into the stomach with other foods, start to wander, and instead we get the benefit of only discomfort. Fruity breakfast - the ideal solution. Rules are met, cook nothing. Tired of the monotony of the same is not threatened - every day you can try different fruits.

Persona grata

As the English say, "An apple a day - live without doctors." Medium-sized fruit contains only 60-100 kcal. In its composition are useful cellulose, pectins and antioxidants reduce the "bad" cholesterol. Plus folic acid and boron, which is responsible for bone density.

Chinese sages taught: "Severe orange fruit supply us with the energy of the sun. They treat heart and nourish the memory. " Persimmon - dietary product, it has a tonic, diuretic, bactericidal action, calms the nervous system and improves performance, which is important for a business woman. In many persimmon potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron, and dietary fiber (dietary fiber) is twice higher than in apples. Persimmon season ends - hurry up enough to eat this fruit!

It's just a storehouse of vitamin C! Moreover, a thick rind of the fruit does not allow him to collapse during storage. Oranges and tangerines contain more than 170 phytochemicals, strengthens the immune system, prevent the development of tumors and a beneficial effect on mental abilities. A grapefruit, among other things, also helps to get rid of extra pounds.

One fruit covers the daily requirement for vitamin C, contains potassium, calcium, and iron. Popular French nutritionist Michel Montignac recommends starting the day from that fruit.

Contains almost full set of vitamins and nutrients, and the number of ascorbic acid overtook lemons.

The more fruit

With all due respect to the nutritional value and benefits listed below fruit,it is not necessary to eat for breakfast:

Is appreciated for its high content of vitamins A, D and E especially and potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Avocado - the first enemy of cholesterol. But not for nothing that the Spaniards call it "oil in the skin." 227 kcal per 100 grams! This is more than three times lower than in oil, but four, five times more than apples.

Most after-calorie avocados. Due to the nature of its composition contribute to the deposition of fat.

Contains a lot of sugar.

At lunchtime

A busy schedule in which it is difficult to break for a normal meal, the answer is a diet that does not dictate rigid set of products,but at dinner welcome:

chicken or turkey;
fish and seafood;
steamed or boiled vegetables and legumes;
boiled or baked potatoes;
rice (brown preferably);
pasta, wholemeal;
rye bread or bran.

Already nearing midnight

Dinner is advised to feed the enemy, but to what they indulge. In the evening, eat vegetables - with peace of mind and without harm to the waist. In them there is almost no grams of fat, but plenty of complex carbohydrates that provide satiety, vitamins and trace elements. Useful broccoli, brussels, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant. Good day to complete low-fat milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt without filler, cottage cheese) - they, like the morning, will fall by the way.

With minimal time and effort from vegetables can be cooked a delicious dinner for himself and a garnish for other family members who are not concerned about losing weight. And, you can cook soup, which does not hurt the figure and give a feeling of satiety.

Sports Nutrition

To lose weight, many business ladies somehow manage to spend time playing sports, but soon disappointed - for some reason only added pounds. From Exercise can actually increase the weight if you eat properly. Go to this mode: do not eat 3 hours before and 3 hours after training.

Only on the third day after the physical training start a fasting day. The energy you spent on exercises today, only begin to be replenished after tomorrow. Therefore 2 days eat without strict limitations, and the third - yogurt or vegetables.

Conquer age

The star of "Sex and the City," Kim Cattrall and other Hollywood movie stars are confident that their secret harmony, beauty and youth lies in the commitmentDr. Perricone diet. Following her, you're already on the third day notice that the changes will affect not only the figures, but also the state of the facial skin, body.

The idea of ​​this diet that you lose weight and rejuvenate the body, if you do not eat "bad" protein found in meat and eggs, and lean to the right, which is primarily found in fish.

It is recommended to take in food lettuce, blueberries, olive oil, nuts, drink at least 8-10 glasses of still water a day.For a diet you need to choose low-fat varieties of fish - salmon, saffron cod, pollock. Avoid simple carbohydrates (especially sugar) and animal fats.

Menu for the day:

immediately after sleep: 350 ml of water without gas;
Breakfast: 100 g of boiled fish, poltarelki oatmeal on the water, green apple, 350 ml of water;
lunch: 250 grams of canned salmon, a few leaves of lettuce, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, 350 g of carbonated water;
lunch time: 50 g chicken breast, 4 hazelnuts, half green apple, 350 ml of water;
dinner: 250 grams of canned salmon, a few leaves of lettuce, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, 350 ml of water;
2 hours before bedtime: 50 g chicken breast, 4 hazelnuts, half green apple, 350 ml of water.

Inna Yining

Tags: diet