Major mistakes diets

 In an effort to lose weight, many of us can make a mistake that will not only bring to naught all the efforts, but also can seriously damage our health. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady, major mistakes dieters.

In no case do not sit on a diet without first consulting your doctor.

Any body has a bunch of features, and a diet that has helped your girlfriend to lose weight, does not necessarily fit and you too. When choosing a diet is necessary to consider all the features it is your health and your environment: weight, age, occupation and so on.

Causes excessive weight may also be different. Someone fullness solely because a lot of eating and wrong, and the other overweight - is a consequence of a disease.

Do not abruptly translate itself on monotonous diet.

There are lots of myths about how to lose weight well, if, for example, there is only buckwheat, but in any quantity. Any one-sided diet is very dangerous, as the body gets only a certain set of vitamins and minerals, while continuing need their full range.

Especially dangerous diets that exclude from the diet of animal protein, ie meat. If you've decided to become a vegetarian, introduce vegetable diet is very necessary and very carefully, making sure that the body is still getting enough iron.

Vital and dairy products - because of them we get our body needed calcium. What to say about fasting. Remember that completely depriving yourself of food, you can put your body great harm.

It is a mistake to believe that you can lose weight solely through diet.

That's not it. Did you lose weight for a short while, but soon will type it back. The diet should be accompanied by physical activity, as well as change the entire way of life.

It's not just how much and what you eat. Importance and how much you sleep, how many move. So tune in to what is now healthy is not only your food, and all of life.

Avoid nervous shock.

Very often people break away and start eating everything that comes to hand, it is in stressful situations. If you notice this behavior for a, you should seriously consider. And if you still can not control themselves in such situations, you should consult your doctor.

Do not seek to reset the maximum number of pounds in the shortest time.

Perhaps, in the first month due to the loss of excess water in the body, you will lose weight very much. Weight loss more than three kilograms per month is hazardous to health. If this happens, then, along with body fat lose body and nonfat tissue, and this is unacceptable.

Do not try to combine diet.

Very often, one method of weight loss may be contrary to the other, and their combination will harm your health.

Remember that after you have followed a diet for a while and beautifully lost weight, pounds can all go back, if you do not continue to adhere to moderate and healthy diet and give up exercise.

Maria Serov

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