
 Diet and easy to understand and to implement. During the week you eat only foods from the list that you have hanging on the refrigerator. These products can be consumed in a completely different, and even at first glance, it is absolutely incompatible combinations.

One condition: all ten items should be in your diet every day. Print out and hang in a prominent place our hit list of top products:

 * Chicken (breast)
 * Eggs
 * Kefir
 * Tomatoes
 * Cucumbers
 * Zucchini
 * Cabbage (white or colored)
 * Eggplant
 * Mushrooms
 * Apples

Plans: For a week to throw 2 kg

Benefits:Products that are included in this diet does not need to look for the afternoon with fire. Everything is easy to find at the grocery store or market.

Difficulty: On the day, you can have up to six kilograms. Less is better, but in any case no more.

In addition to the products of the list, you can afford:

 * One bulb per day
 * No more than one spoon of olive oil
 * Black bread (no bigger than a piece)
 * Garlic, dill, parsley, lemon juice - the food was "more fun"
 * Green tea (but no sugar!)

Diet lasts one week, so easy with a rather wide variety of products, to live without a piece of "Napoleon."

If the diet is easy to go, try to extend it a little bit more for a week, but, in principle, a week is enough. But diet can be repeated more often than others - once every two or three months.

Tags: diet