Beauty on a diet

 What, when and how to eat to keep in good order the hair, nails, eyes and skin. All this women's magazine told JustLady leading nutritionists Moscow.  

OBJECTIVE: healthy hair and nails

Means Omega-3 fatty acid, cysteine, zinc

HOW TO TAKE Three times a week, eat salmon, sardines, anchovies. Salad dressing with olive, flax or sesame oil. "Omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish and vegetable oils, promote recycling and excretion of cholesterol and helps in the absorption of B vitamins - and without them healthy hair and skin is impossible, - says nutritionist engineers have Sahakyan. - More tips once or twice a week to eat eggs - they have a lot of cysteine ​​amino acids, the basic building material for hair and nails. White spots on nails indicate zinc deficiency - it will fill shrimp, nuts and pumpkin seeds. "

OBJECTIVE: clear eyes

Means Vitamins A and C

HOW TO TAKE If the whole day without a break to look at the monitor, then the evening is sure to turn red and his eyes begin to tear. Specialist in clinical nutrition Olga Mukhametshina recommends eating peppers, broccoli and spinach, "Vitamin C, which is contained in these vegetables, wins red-eye and swelling."

Famous friends eyes - carrots and blueberries (beta-carotene). See you in the dark, of course, do not learn, but keep the vision - if not become limited piece of blueberry pie with cream for dessert, and will eat at least ten pounds of blueberries in the summer and every day - carrots.

OBJECTIVE: good skin

Means B vitamins, vitamin E, selenium

HOW TO TAKE "This Breakfast at Tiffany's - a fruit salad with pear, green apple and grapes, sprinkled with nuts and flavored yogurt - advises dietician Helen Bochkareva. - With it, you will get the required set of vitamins B and E (fruits, nuts), as well as important trace element selenium (pear), which enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin E ".


Means Potassium, fiber

HOW TO TAKE According to the latest scientific data, one of the causes of cellulite - a violation of water-salt metabolism. Limit themselves in alcohol and salt - they retain liquid (e.g., 10 grams of salt per liter of water a link, increasing your weight per kilogram).

Eat more lettuce, celery, cucumber, parsley and dill - they have a slight diuretic effect and also contain potassium, needed to restore electrolyte balance.

Tags: beauty, diet