The most successful diet

 The most successful diet of all known principle is simple: eat less fat and more moving. It is interesting that this principle is acceptable to all members of any family, because it is based on a balanced diet. Regardless of whether you need to lose two pounds or twenty, the final loss of excess weight is guaranteed.

Every modern cookbook can find recipes with reduced fat, which is easy to prepare. Diet with their use can be adapted to feeding on teens working women, for business lunch, visit the restaurant to receive guests, to feed the elderly and those who engage in night hunting for refrigerators.

Moreover, once you reach your ideal weight, as you no longer need to follow a diet, keeping only the golden rules of good nutrition, your pounds never to return.
Principles of any successful diet fairly simple: eat less and move more! But apart from these obvious things there are several important factors that can help you make life easier and weight.

Fats - the number one enemy for our figures.

Of all the kinds of food we need most of all beware of fat - enemy number one slim figure. In fats contain the most calories. Compared with other types of food 9 calories per gram compared to four calories per gram of proteins and 3 to 75 calories per gram for carbohydrates.

This means that only a few grams of fat can rapidly increase our daily calories. At the same time you can eat three times more carbohydrates - and still continue to lose weight! That's why you will not get any hunger pangs, if you follow a diet rich in carbohydrates.

However, counting calories is criticized from all sides - because this method does not take into account the type of products and their absorption in the body: for example, carbohydrates are used as fuel, while fats are deposited in reserve. Many people do not like to sit at the table with a calorie counter in hand, although it is known that such calculations give an idea about the nutritional and energy value of different products.

For any average adult diet should receive food from 1500 to 2000 calories per day depending on the height, age, sex, physical activity.

A little about the ideal weight

Most of us do not need tables ideal weight, to see what we need to lose a few pounds or more. For each of us the critical moment comes when we try to squeeze into a new suit and fifty-two size when the buttons on her blouse begin ottopyrivatsya and lightning breaks down under the pressure of the press is not held. Even if you just look in the mirror, you can see that someone really would not hurt to lose weight.

Studies conducted by the National Toxicology Centre in Arkansas, USA, found that for the body better, if the weight below the norm. This is due to the fact that such proportions better metabolic products are removed, and better food is digested. Overeating, alternating periods of hunger strike and gluttony, greed, eating badly overtaxed resources of our body.

However, one of the first rules of our "Short Course" will be a commandment that can not weigh more than once every two weeks. Much more important is to lose extra inches at the waist, strengthening the body, than to lose a few grams linger in the body of water.

Tags: diet