Healthy diet nizkonatrievaya

 Among the many diets offered a choice of modernity, a special place is occupied by medical or health, diet. They are indicated for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases. One of these diets - nizkonatrievaya. Moreover, this diet is suitable not only for people with high blood pressure, but also those who have already noticed for a breakdown and causeless melancholy.

Sodium ions (Sodium) play a key role in the regulation of body fluids. With an excess of sodium water is retained in the intercellular spaces, increased blood volume, the kidneys receive unreasonably large load. That should reduce the intake of sodium in the body, a person learns already at the doctor.

Medical problems do not hesitate to express themselves in the form of high blood pressure, hypertrophy of the heart muscle, and kidney problems. However, this diagnosis preceded lasting changes in the body, the symptoms of which are familiar to many of us. The fact that the increase in circulating blood leads to stagnation of the fluid in the lower limbs, resulting in edema. The situation is exacerbated in the autumn-winter period, when the feet are often constrained warm shoes.

Water retention in the intercellular spaces of the lungs makes it difficult to work, so people suffering shortness of breath, hard to tolerate any physical activity, including the movement of public transport. Overloaded kidneys can not cope with the withdrawal of all the toxins that build up in the body. It is not surprising that these factors have a negative impact on the physical condition and mental health. Inevitably a bad mood, which seems nothing can fix it.

Althoughthe exact mechanism by which excess sodium causes troubles, Is still being studied, the phenomenon of "excess sodium" in the body is familiar to physicians. The first recommendation, which can be obtained - is to reduce the intake of dietary salt (sodium chloride). Indeed, modern semi-finished and finished food already oversaturated with salt. According to statistics, residents of large cities consume an average of five teaspoons of salt per day.

Thus our body should be no more than one teaspoon (1 g) of the salt per day. The source of sodium in the diet not only serves salt. A lot of products on the shelves are composed of various sodium-containing additives. Therefore, choosing a diet, you should pay attention not just to taste (salt, unsalted), and sodium content per serving. Products containing less than 200 mg per unit, can be attributed to nizkonatrievym. While 400 mg - this is a pretty big number.

 And So, What foods should be avoided and whether their nizkonatrievaya alternative? If we talk about meat, then saturated sodium hot dogs, sausages, ham, meat products in cans (canned meat), caviar. A healthy alternative to make fresh meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs and unsalted butter and margarine. Of sodium rich pastry pizza, saltine crackers, much of the finished baking.

But nizkonatrievye rice, pasta and bread are sufficient to produce a healthy diet. Finally, soups, and other dishes in the package, as well as a variety of fatty sauces, salted nuts and crackers - a real fount solution. People prone to cardiovascular disease, as well as those who decided to abandon the strictly saturated sodium foods should be replaced with the above goodies homemade food, fresh nuts and home-made cakes.

Many refuse nizkonatrievoy diet or avoid it for fear that unsalted food and products without aromatics and flavors are not as appetizing. However, even here there are many tricks to help make dinner nizkonatrievy delicious and interesting. Chief among them is the fact that the lack of flavorings and salt to compensate for the use of natural flavors and ingredients with a rich taste palette. This is a variety of herbs, fruits and their juices, wine, lemon and lime. Suit and natural spices, most importantly when you buy - make sure they do not contain more sodium-containing ingredients. Next, the case remains only for interesting recipes and culinary skills.

Spanish cold soup gazpacho. This is a traditional Spanish dish is full of vegetables, so do not need a lot of salt. For its preparation will need: 2 medium-sized cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 bell pepper, 1 zucchini, half a medium onion, feathers green onions, 1 tbsp. tablespoon lemon juice 2 cloves garlic, lemon slices (for decoration).

If there is a blender, all vegetables, green onions, should be crushed in a blender to puree. You can do without the blender. In this case, finely chop all the vegetables, mix and add a glass of vegetable juice with low sodium content. Once all the ingredients are crushed, you must add the lemon juice and mix thoroughly again dish.

Gazpacho must be expanded in portions in soup tureen, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. Serve cold, garnished with a slice of lemon every tureen. It is interesting that there are many variations of gazpacho. So, tomatoes and peppers can be pre-stand over the fire, which will give the soup very appetizing aroma. Also added to the recipe sherry or gazpacho served hot.

Tuna Teriyaki. This dish is inspired by oriental motifs and certainly will please many. You will need: a glass of rice, 400 grams of tuna fillets, 1 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic milled, 100 g green peas, green onions, 1 carrot, 1 bell pepper. For teriyaki: 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons light teriyaki sauce, 1/2 tsp. starch, 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil.

Boil rice without salt, cover and keep warm. In a small piala mix ingredients for teriyaki. Now thoroughly rinse the fish fillets and pat excess moisture. Cut the fish into cubes of medium size. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Put the fish, add the garlic and cook for 4-5 minutes on high heat, stirring constantly.

 When the fish is browned until golden brown, add to the pan peas, green onions, chopped carrots and peppers. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Now in the center of fish-vegetable mixture to be done well, pour the mixture into it teriyaki and simmer for 1-2 minutes (you can only stir the contents of the wells). When teriyaki thickens, stir the entire contents of the frying pan and cook for 1-2 minutes on low heat. Before serving Put the rice in a shallow bowls and cover the tuna teriyaki with vegetables.

Nizkonatrievy ketchup. Even the usual delicious sauces and ketchup can be replaced by nizkonatrievye. For the preparation of this ketchup need: 2 cups unsalted tomato paste 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 1 chopped onion and parsley or coriander, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper.

Mix the first four ingredients and put them in a high pan or other suitable dishes for extinction. Simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is reduced by half. Add the onion, herbs, spices and cook on low heat under the lid closed for 2-3 minutes. Ready ketchup should be cool before serving. It goes well with meat and vegetable dishes.

Following nizkonatrievoy diet, it should be remembered that This diet may greatly affect the exchange of body fluids. Therefore, during pregnancy, low blood pressure, or after significant blood loss during intense exercise (sweat) details nizkonatrievoy diet should discuss with your doctor.

Tags: diet