Benefit or harm from the means for weight loss?

 Lately it has become very fashionable to use all kinds of vegetable sets, including teas that supposedly promote weight loss.  

Under the heading Diet: Diet

As is known, these drinks generally prepared herbal. But it appears that in addition to the positive effect given drinks can cause side effects. Thus, agents affecting the colon, accelerating the movement of its contents, as a rule, contain a resinous substance that irritate the intestinal mucosa. In humans, there are unpleasant cramping in the lower abdomen. Very rarely can be found in the trade tea for weight loss, which would have no adverse effect.

To mitigate the side effects is recommended to use slimming teas empty stomach before breakfast or in the evening after dinner, as they slabyaschee action starts to manifest itself not earlier than 8-10 hours.

The use of such funds for weight loss for a long time, it is not safe for health. As a result, the body can disrupt water exchange that would eventually lead to a deficiency of micronutrients and other necessary materials. In addition, with the discontinuation of tea for weight loss is detected lethargy intestine. Similar effects have and other plant collections.

The media is very heavily advertised drugs for weight loss, appetite suppressant, up to its complete disappearance. Such formulations may also prepared at plant basis.
Just want to warn that people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is best to seek advice from the doctor, and not to self-medicate with biologically active additives.

Suppression of appetite, alertness, increased efficiency - all this is characteristic only for the initial stage of the use of these drugs. Then the excitement is replaced braking somnolence, increased fatigue, ie comes nervous exhaustion.

Caffeine is often included in the drug also increases the secretory activity of the stomach, but long-term use and simultaneous rejection of food can lead to the development of gastric ulcer.
It is clear that tablets containing caffeine should not be taken for those who suffer hypertension, insomnia, as well as the elderly. Please note that often in the attached instructions to these drugs on these contraindications are not usually say.

Particularly harmful drug to reduce appetite, pregnant. All women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is not recommended to try to lose weight. Better make it a bit later.

Recent studies of medical scientists from Venice showed that drugs that reduce appetite, cause an increase in pressure in the blood and lungs. Details of their research say that most people who take these drugs, as a result of developing heart disease and lung, as well as hypertension, accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, and so on. D.

After prolonged use, drugs that reduce appetite, induce nervousness and lead to depression, as well as adversely affect the function of the brain.

Author: Anatoly Pashustin

Tags: benefits, weight loss, harm