Where to start preparations for the summer?

 It is best to do in the winter correction of varicose veins. Firstly, the transfer operations easier, and, secondly, to the warm season all external interference effects have time to come to naught. Now let's see what are the main types of operations on the vessels of the legs exist today and try to choose.

Varicose veins - A chronic disease, and therefore requires constant attention. And the sooner you start treatment (barely appeared on the legs twisted varicose veins), the more successful it will be held. You can certainly take advantage of venous drugs do compression therapy, go on a diet, but all progressive disease that does not help to restore the elasticity of the walls of the damaged veins.

Depending on the condition of the veins of the patient, doctors use different methods of surgical treatment of varicose veins, the main task of which turn off the flow of the affected areas veins. Some of them tell the surgeon, phlebologist, MD Vadim richer.

Laser Surgery

The technique is mainly used to get rid of small dilated blood vessels on the face. In the treatment of varicose veins still remains a big risk of significant scarring. In addition, the laser - is expensive equipment and therefore is not available to everyone.

Compression flebosklerozirovanie

The method is applied in the early stages of the disease. To exclude from the process of circulation the affected vein, it introduced a special solution, which seemed to "glue" the vessel and it disappears. After that, in healthy veins improves blood circulation, leaving heaviness and fatigue.

Generally requires 3 to 6 sessions administration. Visually vessels disappear in the period from 2 weeks to 6 months. In operation very good cosmetic results, but in a year or five years are possible relapse. This method can not be very large varicose veins and very thin vessels.


The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In the skin is punctured and with the help of a small hook surgeon touches modified vein, the second hook modified area is removed. Beautiful cosmetic result, because the seams are left. The operation can be performed on an outpatient basis.


Technique today well-tested and reliable. The operation that is created in the damaged vein thrombus using artificial low temperature.


Is performed using a cryoprobe, which is inserted into the large saphenous vein toward the ankle. Then the probe tip to cool the nitrogen oxide - 90 degrees, resulting in vein rupture: Vienna primorozhennaya to the probe is completely removed. Operation refers to the less traumatic interventions.


This operation is performed in patients with severe trophic disorders. In a conventional combined venectomy removed the great saphenous Vienna from groin to ankle. The same thing happens when endoscopic venectomy, but because it is made microinstruments through natural channels, it is possible to avoid injury to the lymph nodes and hence postoperative lymphostasis and venous thrombosis.

And finally, daring to go for surgery, remember two rules: the sooner it is done - the better the result, and any surgery carries a lower risk of complications than the further progression of the disease.

Elena Ivanova

Tags: summer, training