Sleepless Beauty

 According to statistics, the problem of insomnia regard thirds of the globe. But a bad dream for our beauty - the number one enemy. What to do? Do not panic! In less than five minutes after reading this article, as you will sleep. Not because she was boring.  And because you'll find it in recipes from insomnia for every taste.

If we approach the issue from a medical point of view, it is necessary to remember that sleep is inextricably linked with the process of aging. The quantity and quality change with time. And, sadly, for the worse. We sleep less and, alas, worse. Moreover, this process affects a great number of factors. It is worth mentioning stress or, say, the deterioration of blood circulation, as it becomes clear that something was wrong.

In other words, in 30 years naively expect the same healthy sleep, as in 20. But to improve the situation with the help of small pleasant ritual is quite possible. And in order to choose the right program, you need to understand what prevents us from sleep. Since the cause depends primarily on age.


Modern youth vigil is considered the norm. Sleep - a waste of time. And at night is the mass of interest. Internet, TV, movies, clubs ... Even just a fascinating book - a great alternative to the arms of Morpheus. In the light late in the evening decided to go out often. And on the day when you decide to go to bed early, sleep is likely to fail, since the phases of sleep your body has shifted over time.

Minimum program

For healthy sleep importantly - correct circadian rhythm.

Set the alarm to ring at the same timeFor example, at 8:00 am. And get up at eight o'clock in the morning every day for a month. Moreover, regardless of when you go to sleep.

If you can not do without coffee at all, remember that sort of "Arabica" contains less caffeine compared to the "Robusta". Alcohol negatively affects sleep: it is better to drink a glass of wine, 100 g of whiskey.

TV - not such a passive activity, as is commonly believed. Frame rate and an abundance of information tiring nervous system. After turning off the TV, we recommend to wait at least half an hour before you go to bed.

Sport - a pledge of healthy sleep. But any physical activity need to stop for an hour before going to sleep and drink plenty of fluids during exercise: water flushes toxins, and purified them from the body enters into a phase of sleep better.

Sweet Dreams

Not widely known, but effective element:tryptophan.
Scientific evidence shows that this amino acid is a natural tranquilizer, as the neurons inhibits the action of holding a person in a state of vigil. Tryptophan is found in eggs, dairy products, fish (such as salmon) ...

But to an amino acid having biological activity, productive affects the brain, it must be in conjunction with carbohydrates, ie products which have a starch or sugar.
The intelligent solution: eat foods rich in tryptophan, during the day and to intensify the action of amino acids in the evening, eating, such as spaghetti, large banana or sweet dessert.

30 YEARS: Family values

The first and main cause of insomnia at this age - stress.
The accumulated stress of the day does not relax and fall asleep, and concern about the number of cases that need to be done on the next day, contributes to early awakening.

The situation is compounded by the children. Flowers of life, of course, would argue. But suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, according to statistics, 30% of the young mother. Moreover, even when the baby is not sleeping through the night. Just the body is programmed to regular night climbs and switch itself can not.

Minimum program

As soon as you feel that you want to sleep, do it. Even if you think you go to bed at 10 o'clock indecently early, or if you want to watch a TV show. If you struggle with sleep, of course, his victory. But knock cycle, and this is the beginning of insomnia. While having sex in the brain mechanism starts production of endorphins, which relax the muscles, normalize breathing and nervous system activity. Well, anyway, you know what you should do tonight ...

Can not relax? Foot massage, facial and scalp - what you need. Start with a light fingertip across the surface, then go to the circular motion, and finished with longitudinal smoothing.
With increased nervousness shows vitamin B9, 3-week course.

40 YEARS: Life has just begun

Stress, of course, is still the place to be. In addition, there is one more complication: overweight. Of course, this does not mean that you will sleep poorly. But the energy that is spent on the fight against excess weight may affect the quality of sleep. And in the morning you sometimes wake up with a strange feeling of fatigue.

Minimum program

If you can not sleep, get up and go into another room. Be able to fall asleep as soon as come next cycle (that is, 1, 5 hours).

If you take a bath, then it should be done in an hour before going to bed at a temperature not exceeding 38 ° C. Warm water relaxes and relieves stress. But if you take a bath before going to bed, the body temperature will be slightly increased, and

Morpheus you in his arms, alas, will not accept.
Sleep is partly controlled by hormones. In case of serious problems with falling asleep should do blood tests: You may need to adjust the hormones, as he is known to be prone to age-related changes.

Tame Morpheus

In order not to miss sleep, often enough to follow the ritual, harmless and without side effects. And you can diversify. It is important to be consistent and to devote some time to it every night.

An hour before bedtime, start cooking: dim lights, soft music, soothing aromas ... and away from the bed - you need only to go to bed half asleep!


Try to get rid of bad habits, and do not forget about the important stuff.

Room. Do not hold it any Stereo or TV - sources of harmful electromagnetic radiation. Temperature of 19 ° C and total darkness - perfect companion for a night's rest. A little secret: Pattern the bedroom in blue or violet tones - and sound sleep is guaranteed.

Bed. Pay attention to your body's position relative to the cardinal. If you want to sleep well, put the bed so that the head was in the north, that is, in the direction of the magnetic fluxes of the Earth. Scientists of the American Center for Sleep Berkeley have shown that blood pressure is significantly reduced when a person is sleeping head to the north, and sleep deeper.

Overexcitation. Do not abuse tea, cola, coffee, crossword puzzles, aerobics and karate after 7pm. If on the body constantly require vigorous activity, natural braking signal is turned off.

Exercises. If you are constantly under stress, try the sport at lunchtime (too zealous not need perfect, for example, water aerobics). In the evening you will feel unobtrusive and even pleasant feeling of fatigue. If you are driving superactive lifestyle and you, on the contrary, it is difficult to relax in the evening, choose relaxation techniques such as yoga.

Breathing. We recommend you the following exercise: you lie on your back, arms along the body, legs extended and slightly apart. Slowly inhale while pushing the head and feet into the mattress. Hold your breath for five seconds, then slowly exhale. All the muscles at the same time should be relaxed. Exercise should be repeated five times. And advise in advance ventilate the room, turn out the light and make the bedding, as the end of the exercise dream will not take long.

Prescription only

In progressive insomnia to mind, of course, comes the sleeping pills. At first glance, tempting way out of a difficult situation: swallowed a tiny tablet, and a deep sleep until the morning provided. But you need to start with the fact that any sleeping pill should be prescribed by a physician. And the side effects of these medications have enough (even when it comes to updates about the latest preparations).

In addition, the risk of addiction to them is large enough. No wonder the French legislators in the control of drugs recently released recommendations for doctors, where we are talking about limiting the number of prescription sleeping pills.

Physicians are strongly advised to resort to such a method for the treatment of insomnia only when all other options (both physical psychological) were ineffective. We should also remember not to take the medication prescribed to someone else (friend, mother, sister).

Hypnotics are divided into several groups (each their indications and limitations for use), and the particular group you may simply not be appropriate.

Tags: beauty