Shiatsu Office

 Familiar situation, which often face working women: after a hard day's scheduled meeting at which it is necessary to look fresh and young. But how do you do this, if the daily load knock you out of the rut, and in the evening you imagine a creature with pale tired headache prevailing and dominant idea of ​​how soon lie down on the couch?

If you can not take a day off, you can build a working day in a way that does not turn into a feeble amoeba in the evening, look good and be in high spirits.

For help may come, as always, one of the oldest techniques have proven effective for decades and even centuries. For example, Japanese Shiatsu massage technique. This technique was created based on the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture. Shiatsu is considered the founder of the school Tokujiro Namikoshi - Japanese doctor.

Shiatsu in Japan has official status, that is recognized as a therapy. In Russia, the method is still considered exotic, though it has a basis of clear scientific rationale: it is a manual (hand) effects on biologically active zones of the human body, which are located throughout the body. Of course, shiatsu massage is to produce a seasoned professional, but some elements of exposure and can be used on their own - to stimulate mental performance and recuperation after a hard day.

In the translation of "Shiatsu" means "finger pressure" (from the Japanese "B" - "finger" and "ATsU" - "squeezing"). It is necessary to press your fingers on certain parts of our body to bring about positive changes in the body.

Exposure duration in single pressing - of 5 to 7 seconds. The total duration of exposure at each point - 1-2 minutes.
Force of impact must be such as not to cause discomfort.

With the help of these manipulations increases the flow of blood to the head, shot weight, bad mood, fatigue

1. Push the four fingers (except the thumb) on the crown area.

2. Then, the pads of the thumb, first press slightly on the right carotid artery, and then - the left repeatedly. Pressing start under the lower jaw, gradually sinking to the clavicle. By acting on these points, we contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, the influx of fresh blood to the brain and, consequently, improve well-being.

Note: carotid artery - one of the reflex zones in the body (ie, here contains large amounts of receptors, the effect of which leads to a significant impact on the various organs).

3.It is also easy to remove muscle tension neck, pushing the two fingers of whiskey (index, middle). Begin closer to the corners of the eyes and moving towards the pinna. Then press down on the back of the neck with four fingers at a distance of 1-2 inches from the spine. Moving closer to the head and falls to the back.

4. Point below the base of the eyebrows, around the eyes, you need to press the little fingers - this will help relieve stress and fatigue.

5. Small back pain caused by sedentary work, can be eliminated as follows: clasp the waist own hands, the thumb is on top and is in the area of ​​the lumbar vertebrae. Simultaneously presses both thumbs along the line along the spine, departing from it by 1-2 inches. Moves up closer to the thoracic and down, with a little caving in the lower back forward.

6. Very good fatigue and increases efficiency squeezing four fingers on the neck muscles. Should start from the spine, then go forward to the carotid artery. Left hand working on the left half and the right - on the right side of the neck.

In addition, the same Japanese recommended as an invigorating element of aromatherapy: for example, on the desktop you can place any object, exuding the smell of lemon, orange, geranium, mint, bergamot, pine, lavender and others. Of course, we are talking about the real essential oils that guarantees such an effect, not an imitation of smell.

Finally, another tip. If by the end of the day you are struggling with sleep and fatigue gradually absorbs the mind, do some simple breathing exercises, which not only improve blood circulation, but also affect the muscles of the face, providing a favorable cosmetic effects.

Perform each exercise must be 3-5 times.

1. Deeply and calmly, without straining, inhale through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale through the mouth, when it should have the feeling that if relaxed lips "vibrate".

2. Take a deep breath in through your nose, then exhale, "push" the air in your mouth, puffing out his cheeks. Then "push" the air pushes it through the left, then a right-hand corner of the mouth.

3. Fill mouth air and inflate the cheeks, like balls. Slowly roll the air inside the closed mouth, as if massaging the cheeks and lips. Then, in turn, push the air to the right cheek, to the left, under the upper lip and under the bottom.

4. Take a deep breath in through your nose, cheeks retract. Hold your breath. Then exhale air through the mouth, puffing out his cheeks.

Olga Zorina, Alexander Kuznetsov

Tags: office