Inner sun: 10 ways to live a year

 July, despite the proud title of "mid-summer", can be quite cool and rainy ... But just turn on your inner sun, and the world will smile to you!

Hello, it's me!

Microclimate of the day depends on what will be your first look in the mirror: unhappy-critical or friendly. To create the right mood, draw a yellow marker on the corner of the bathroom mirror smiling sun. It will be a constant reminder of the "smile greeting" reflection. And turn sharp holographic light bulb: its light increases further the most minor blemishes and automatically spoils the mood.

The interior in the style of "Sunny Bunny"

Surprisingly, how to change the atmosphere in the room if it has a bright yellow spot. Feng Shui experts and hromoterapevty credited yellow color vibration stability and optimism. Yellow bedspread, square cushions (is this form comes into resonance with the correct yellow) or bedding dissolved "gray" thoughts and warm the soul.

Closer to the body

There is an expression "yellow jersey." And why not blue and not red? Yes, because the yellow clothing helps to concentrate and to see a way out of crisis situations - that is really to be a leader. A recent study confirmed dietitians: wearing a yellow-fitting clothes, it's easier to give up flour and sweet! After the vibration of this color and sweet taste at the waves are interchangeable. Wear yellow - and grow thin.

Summer Meditation

This exercise takes about 15 minutes, but after that you feel like after a holiday in the lap of nature. It is ideal for public transport; and forced to wait. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine that you are standing in the bright and warm sunshine. Try to see your body completely transparent translucent. If somewhere notice "clouding" or dark spots, mentally headed to this area additional sunbeam. Feel the warmth of his tender, dissolving darkness. When all the spots disappear, imagine now that you wash not only sunlight but also crystal jet mountain waterfall. Wait a few minutes for him, and then come out of the flow and let the rays of the sun will dry drops on your skin.

Rich colors

Yellow positive effect on mood, not only outside but also inside. Begin each morning with fresh juice sunny colors: orange, lemon, grapefruit, pumpkin, carrot ... But it was fresh, the longer this health elixir waiting for their turn, the less vitamins and minerals in it remains. Create your own fruit and vegetable cocktails, experiment with proportions and combinations. Let every morning will be in its own sun!

Summer on the windowsill

Landscape outside the window with the prevailing shades of lead and asphalt negates all efforts to feel the summer? Put "visual barrier", which will interrupt information gloomy outside. For this purpose, fit one or more bright gerberas in a transparent vase on the windowsill. Now that you will throw even a casual glance at the window in the first place goes to the brain information about solar colors and petals rays of elegant colors. The rest of the "details" like clouds and rain, will be perceived after "gerberovuyu prism" and does not reflect on how your mood!

Sun bathing on the job ...

Even if the failed July, most of the daylight hours do you spend in front of a computer. Let the sun shine you on the screen! Just pick a suitable screensaver on the monitor. But not romantic landscape with sunset! Remember the words of the Little Prince Saint-Exupery: "At sunset look good when you're sad." Even the most wonderful view of the setting sun casts a melancholy - and you need the opposite effect! For real summer mood will flowering field earthly suns - sunflowers.

The publication

To always create a sense of "a ray of light in the darkness", stocks elegant accessories of the same life-affirming color. Large round earrings, scarf or sandals will be unobtrusive, but significant emphasis. Your make-up is also required to be summer! Bosses appreciate committed staff, but does not like the pale face with dark circles under the eyes. Even if you do not have time to substitute face to the sun and in fact your vacation is short dashes from work to home, let it remain with you. Bronzing powder on the cheeks and collarbone, a little more "old" color tone means, golden or further bright yellow shade, and you - a living illustration of the story "From the Life of tourists."

Cloudless music

Fasten the effect of solar images and sensations appropriate musical accompaniment. Then your body will sink in the summer on all channels of perception! Everyone has their own idea of ​​the sunniest music. For some, it is certainly reggae. For others - a Spanish guitar or ethnic motives. Third closest format "Disco 80s". Let your headphones in a voice of Bob Marley tunes or flamenco, the main thing - that you felt that if the sun can sing, sing it that way!

Peyzanskie motives

Bags of straw at the behest of the leading couturiers migrated from rural wardrobe prostushek available urban fashionistas, do not lose their relevance for several years. Finished in black leather - for strong and stylish, or artificial colors - for a carefree and romantic, this bag later in a crowded subway car will take you to mentally summer meadow with its amazing texture, ease and "alive" shine. One only has to hold his hand over the silky surface.

Tatyana Gavrilova

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