Begin a new life ... with sex and singing

 Start a new life on Monday, probably, every once yes tried. Those who got it I personally do not have to meet. Therefore, here are collected advice of physicians of different specialties that will help you gradually change their unhealthy existence in quite the right way of life.

Youth stored in garlic

Anyway, something like the British scientists who proved that if to eat a clove of garlic every day, you can avoid the aging brain, strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol and prevent the development of arthritis.

Forget about salt

Recommendations of the World Health Organization - no more than 5 grams of salt a day to not develop hypertension. However, since we do not eat salt of castor only, but in the composition of many products, the dose should be reduced to 3 grams, and generally better to reject salts that will reduce the number of myocardial quarter and one third - stroke.

Walk and bend

Do not want to exercise regularly, or to the gym? I See! But then, in order to avoid cardiovascular disease, it is necessary every day to pass briskly for at least a kilometer and at least three times a week to do morning exercises with squats and nagibaniyami to rapid breathing.

There are long and tasteful

In other words, do not eat fast food on the go. Instead of eating biscuits, chips and hot dogs (calories, fat and cholesterol) is better than a regular hot and fresh fish dishes at least twice a week. Especially good tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel. But after a meal always pay for about 10 minutes cleaning of the teeth (besides morning and evening cleansing).

Watch what you drink and how much

British scientists for 20 years was observed in 2000 adults and found that those who consumed wine at reasonable (a glass of red wine a day natural), less likely to suffer from colds and senile dementia (senility). But 30 glasses of wine per week was hit on the liver and intestines, increased incidence of gastric cancer.

Do not get fat on a diet and do not sit

Every extra kilogram eats 20 weeks of life. Excess weight causes a lot of health problems - from coronary heart disease and diabetes to arthritis. But the dream of that kind of miracle diet can lead to a slender shape is also not necessary. Must be step by step, day by day to rebuild their diet and lifestyle. Fractional power (small portions of 4 - 5 times a day), no chips after 19 hours and regular exercise. Long, tedious, but it works.

Love your bed

Firstly, it lie if a cold and not running a job. Secondly, in order not to catch a cold in bed watching and regular sex, at least 2 times a week. Third, just to get enough sleep. To find out the norm, it is necessary to measure the time it takes you to wake up refreshed and ready for action and pecking nose during the day.

Throw cigarette

Hard, but necessary! Pastilles and lozenges patch does not help everyone. But the longer you smoke, the more you get closer to the diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the higher the risk of cancer.

Sing, at least in the bathroom

The lack of hearing and voice are not to blame, you're not going to the scene, and are struggling with depression, asthma and stress. The process of extracting himself from the music or sounds okolomuzykalnyh improves breathing, support muscle tone and strengthens the immune system.

Prepared by Olga Nikolaeva

Tags: sex