Gorgeous blush

 Applying makeup, remember that you need to apply blush last. This is your final touch and it should certainly be combined with the general view, emphasizing it, and not vice versa. Blush is applied to the convex part of the cheekbones and create a natural shade, well rastushёvyvaya their cheeks. Women's magazine JustLady, of shades and colors for every skin type

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Festive makeup

Choosing the shade of blush

The choice of shade of blush can not be dictated by fashion or anyone's advice. Advises the nature: your ideal color - one that acquire your cheeks after exercise. All that this darker shade will look unnatural. Needless to mix blush: creating transitions from one color to another, you are bound to overdo it with the amount of applied color.

A combination of shades of blush usually paired: gold looks harmonious with orange, reddish-orange - brown and blue - with pinkish-beige.

The color suits you

For neutral skin - Grayish-yellow, beige, brown and golden shades of pink.

For olive or yellowish skin - Warm shades of brown, almond or copper.

For dark skin - Plum, brick and dark bronze.

For tanned skin - Orange, peach and coral.

Consistency is important

Rouge may not only be in the form of powder, but a gel or a cream. Most popular blush - powders, because they are easy to apply and does not stick. This is the secret of the original red, worn on the cheeks in the past.

If you are new to the field of makeup, it is best to start with the blush is a solid. Creamy blush can be attributed to more new media, but they are also good: they give a fresh, slightly wet look to your face.

Solid blush usually provided in the form of compact: a small box with a brush. But it's best to invest in a broad brush pile with a minimum length of 3.2 inches. As a reward you will provide a more natural result.

Remember that you can not give preference to only a pleasant texture or shade successful. Your goal should be a combination of these two qualities.

Choosing the right product and after reading this article, you will master the process of creating a magnificent natural makeup with blush. So how do you properly apply blush?

Your ritual of applying makeup for everyday or for a special occasion blush should be the last gesture. This cosmetic product performs several functions. It emphasizes the shape of the face, focusing on the cheeks. It makes a complete makeover and luminous energy. As you already know, blush can be in the form of powder, cream or stick. Powdered rouge is applied over the base, while the creams look best you applied on top of the basics, but before powder.

Perfection - step by step

Step 1. Apply blush where they belong. Blush is usually located between the two horizontal lines, one from the corner of the eye, the other - from the tip of the nose. Lightly touch of blush brush with the remnants of the center of the forehead and chin to give completeness.

Step 2. Liquid blush applied with your fingertips, lightly rubbing them in small quantities. For hard use blush brush.

Choosing blush, you actually make a choice between day and evening makeup. Daytime blush to the apples of the cheeks are applied and look natural. Bullseye - this is the part that stands out when you smile broadly. Evening make more vivid. To achieve the desired effect, draw a brush in the cavity under the cheekbone, moving in the direction from ear to his lips.

Applying blusher

Tip 1. Never forget what are blush. Many make the mistake when applying blush, thinking that the brighter, the better. Brighter - often means artificially. Of course, the old Russian expression "fair maiden" was not without the participation of blush. But your goal - to look as if you really were red, not nakrasili cheeks blush. Better to look a little paler than look like a clown. Sometimes to distinguish one from the other is not easy, so before "the publication of" better to ask advice from a friend.

Tip 2. No matter what you use blush, one coat is enough. In the evening, you can add a second, more subtle. But no more!