As a free in-store cosmetics otovaritsya

 The store cosmetics - in this world of endless windows, brands, promotions, pretty jars and pesky consultants - no wonder confused. The result - in the wallet is empty, and the soul is hard. You vtyuhali insanely expensive cream "for frost protection" (in August it something!), Chosen hastily turned stinky perfume, lipstick - too provocative.

How to avoid pointless waste and frustration? Say at once: the shopping trip may well be pleasant, and the purchase of excess perfume - a way to pamper yourself. Why not? One bad buy - this is not a tragedy. But we're talking about when buying useless become a real problem, and nesobrannost or embarrassment prevent buy what you really need.

Before going to the store
▪ If your head is still not flashing nameplate 2-3 cosmetics that you have run and vital, it's time to go to a beauty store is not yet come. Flashes? Then, make a comprehensive list of what to buy - to inspect this makeup.

▪ Glossy magazines - is not only a waste paper with pictures, but, oddly enough, a source of information. Scroll through the last couple of numbers and read "Beauty" - so you will be aware of new products. But wait special miracles in search of a magical agent is not: seasonal collections makeup often repeat each other, offering one or two new shades of lipstick or shadows.

▪ To avoid thoughts like, "What would I still want this? ..", Do not forget about the "skeleton" of their cosmetic arsenal: cleansing, hydration, nutrition, makeup. From him and we dance.

What is the use of a sales assistant?
You are logged in and you from all sides are chosen strictly ladies? They follow on the heels of offering choice to stop it on one, then the other vial? Stop troubled - and their job is to accompany you and help you select. And watch closely - their sacred duty! If you do not want to use their services - politely tell about it. But remember they can do for you a lot of useful information.

First of all, determine your skin type. This will facilitate the selection of care products.

Secondly, determine solvency. The first thing will be offered the most expensive brand, say, luxury - this is your class. It flatters: because you look like a solid lady who "can not afford". But you must admit to myself, you - not the oligarch's wife, and show off before the seller is meaningless and our own peril. Therefore, do not hesitate to let them know that the foundation for fifteen hundred rubles in your plans do not include. And you immediately offer the optimum combination of high quality and reasonable price to you.

If the seller seems too quick, cool phrase it like this: "I have to think in a relaxed atmosphere." That's what makes Lady "luxury."

Thirdly, inform you about current promotions and special offers. Often it is a good opportunity to save money. But do not lose your head - it could be a marketing ploy. Especially if you're over "a ridiculous price" offer the product is not in season (as in it about the expiration date?) Or some set of uselessness, which "alone is worth much more! ".

But the most useful feature of the consultant - to offer you the testers. Try anything like it, keeping in mind that it does not burden a consultant and you came to nothing obliges. Vigorously settle for masochku, cream facial wrinkles and provocative lipstick. I repeat to myself, like a mantra: "day cream, day cream." You can spend a pleasant time consultant: she won an award for quality service, and you do not buy, but will walk away with a bag of free probes.

How to choose makeup?
The high price of the tube does not guarantee that the lid had a magical elixir of youth. If possible, let your day or night cream is expensive, and even then, only if you already have 30. Mascara, tonal resources, makeup base, leveling the skin and facial tanning is better to choose from priced slightly above average. Their "power" as a rule, justifies the price.

But lipstick, blush, pencils, liquid makeup remover - all it is cheaper and more varied in mass brands. Colorful stands testers make the selection process enjoyable and fun. It is already possible to get rid of a consultant and a pleasure to do the right choice of color.

How to avoid mistakes when choosing perfume?
▪ For a first impression drip a little perfume on a paper strip, even one drop put on the wrist. Do not rub perfume after application. Trituration damage and changes odor molecules.

▪ Even if the flavor much, do not buy until the bottle. Blow with a fragrant strip and several times a day to smell it, to grasp how the smell.

The smell that you will feel the first perfumers called top notes. As a rule, it is light, bright fragrance that conveys the mood of the spirits. The top note lasts only about a minute. As soon as the spirits react to body heat and the properties of the skin, begin to show the middle notes. This is - the heart of your perfume. They sound about an hour and consist of softer scents. Finally, after this bottom sheet are shown. That's how the whole day will perceive the fragrance of your perfume around. Take this into consideration when buying.

▪ If possible, stretch pleasure. Perfumers know that one coming to a store can rasprobovat no more than three fragrances.

Tags: shop cosmetics