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 Title peeling, derived from the English verb peel (clean, peel), speaks volumes. But do not panic, "peel" with you will be very humane methods.

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Chemical piling - the influence on the skin with acids. A solution of a certain concentration of acid applied to the skin, causing mild chemical burn. Occurs peeling of the top layer of dead cells. The depth of the peeling depends on the concentration of acid in the solution, since its effects and individual characteristics of your skin. Chemical peels good help in the fight against acne and wrinkles (especially those whose appearance is caused by adverse factors and not natural aging process), eliminates the increased pigmentation.

Having decided on this procedure, remember: during the first week after it you will probably need to sit at home, as the skin will look no better. But when the natural exfoliation process is finished, it will become soft and pink as a baby. Within two to three months can not be sunbathing, so it's best not to do a chemical peel on the eve of the swimming season.

Brossazh (brush-peeling) - A kind of mechanical peeling. Helps to get rid of the backlog at the skin surface dead cells. Before the procedure, a person steamed, then coated with a special emulsion and treated with rotating brushes made of natural or synthetic bristles. Their size and hardness depend upon the type of skin.

People with very sensitive skin brossazh contraindicated, as those who suffer from rosacea, eczema or herpes. Conduct brush-peeling can be every seven to ten days course of four to six treatments.

Laser resurfacing - One of the most modern and effective methods of finding "new" skin. Under the influence of the laser beam the upper layer of the epidermis dies with him disappear and shallow scars, wrinkles, spider veins and dark spots. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (with a special cream). Duration her about an hour recovery period lasts a week, and the effect, according to beauticians, maintained for five years.
Patients with epilepsy and diabetes laser peel is contraindicated.

Ultrasonic piling is used in cosmetics for over thirty years. Ultrasound vibrations remove the top layer of skin with pigmentation spots, acne, oily seborrhea and minor cosmetic defects age. Pleasant contrast to this procedure from the other species in the peeling is absolutely painless. Ultrasound is not contraindicated, even for people with sensitive skin. The course consists of five to eight treatments, which are held once a week.

Akvapiling has a more complicated name - gas-liquid dermabrasion. The mixture of water and air is supplied at a supersonic speed in a special attachment, "blowing" lifeless cell layer. Peeling jet works wonders: it oxygenates the skin, improves its elasticity and muscle tone. The feel of the procedure - a slight tingling sensation. Not to say that absolutely painless, but be patient for 10-15 minutes (this is the duration of the procedure), it is quite possible. The more so as a reward for endurance is clear, radiant pores, getting rid of sebaceous plugs, "crow's feet" and even deep vertical wrinkles! That is almost a new skin. In addition, akvapiling help tighten sagging cheeks and make less prominent chin. Depending on the skin condition you may need two to five treatments are made at different time intervals.


Salon treatment - means a radical and effective, is not canceled at the same time the need for periodic self-exfoliation. The most popular means of home peeling - scrub, special cream, having a composition of the solid grains (exfoliator), which help exfoliate the skin.

More recently, a very popular means of hard particles from apricot pits or ground walnut shell today considered to be too traumatic. They were replaced by means of a gentle peeling - scrubs with particles of wax or paraffin.

Terms of peeling at home are simple: procedure to thoroughly clean the face, and then heated with steam. On clean steamed out skin soft massaging movements applied to scrub, and a few minutes wash off with warm water.

The mask film also a kind of exfoliation: dries on the face, it "sticks" to his dead skin cells. The disadvantage of this method is inevitable stretching of the skin when removing the mask, and the contraindication is the presence of vellus hair on the face.

Cream gommazh (From the French word gomme - eraser) 5-10 minutes after application to the skin turns into a soft film, which "rolls" from the face, taking with them the upper stratum corneum. It is undesirable to use exfoliation with dry and aging skin.

Any means peeling need to rinse with warm water. It will remove the tension of the muscles of the face and calms the nervous system. A better use of mineral water, which will provide another person and extra food.

Tags: cleaning