How to save your back pregnant

 One of the most vulnerable places in pregnant women - a spin. She whines when you sit for a long time when you stand for a long time, and even when a long lie. But still have to something to do around the house. What is better to do the expectant mother to avoid overloading the back?

If the pregnancy is normal and the woman feels vigorous and healthy, the physical activity will only benefit from it. You can do daily cleaning (not general with Moving the furniture), cook, wash (but not bending over the tub upside down).

Work requiring mobility, need to be alternated with a more relaxed - sewing, knitting, etc. Catching needlework or sitting on textbooks (because you can educate ourselves and to do), you must often change positions, as long stay in one position can lead to insufficient supply of oxygen the fetus.

Avoid need to workAssociated with an increase in intrauterine pressure, such as sewing on a sewing machine foot or cases requiring squatting.

In any action follows the smoothness of their movements. With a sharp turn belly by inertia continues to move, while the woman is already stopped. In these moments in the abdomen can happen, anything: Worried fetus is capable zabrykatsya, turn head down and stretch neck in the pelvic area, causing her mother coccygeal sciatica.

By the way, the spine hardest loaded in a sitting position, becauseneed to sit too well. The seat should be hard, straight-backed, preferably with handrails that they could rely on rising. Use coasters under the legs to distribute the weight of the body. Foot to foot put prohibited. Every half hour you need to get up and walk a little.

And most importantly, once you have any back pain, begin to wear a bandage, elastic support stockings and lingerie. Husband ask you to make an easy relaxing back massage. Strokes have to be long, symmetrical from top to bottom.

Elena Ivanova

Tags: pregnancy