What are stretch marks?

 Stretch marks (striae) - is atrophic scars that appear in adolescence, after pregnancy, stretch marks may appear during intensive increase or decrease in body weight, as well as endocrine disorders. Such information stri we can find in textbooks and journals. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady methods of dealing with a predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks and options for addressing existing stretch marks on the body.

In the category Women's Health: Cosmetic Dentistry

It is believed that the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks in all cases - hormonal imbalance in the body, increasing the formation of stress hormones (mainly cortisol), female sex hormones, and others.

A major role in the development of stretch marks play changes in the properties of the skin - Reducing its elasticity, moisture, as a result of violation of the trophic nerve damage and disturbance of microcirculation. Functional properties of the skin are always changing during hormonal "explosions". Features of the structure and function of connective tissue is often inherited.

Treatment of stretch marks - A difficult task. And prerogative in this area, of course, belongs dermatocosmetologist. In medical centers treatment of stretch marks is the main focus in cosmetology. Complex treatment, developed by clinics includes the use of the latest techniques:

 * Injection
 * Hardware
 * Special medical masks

Treatment of stretch marks can be effective only if properly pick up the action on the skin, which will depend on the age of the stretch marks, their thickness, depth and condition of the surrounding tissue.

After a complex treatment prescribed professional medical cream against stretch marks, which supports the result and is the prevention of the formation of new stretch marks

Methods, removal of stretch marks

Removal of stretch marks by injection

The choice of drug and intensity of the course individually (age accounted for stretch marks, diameter and number).

Use a wide range of drugs, having in its composition the initial cellular extracts of animal and vegetable origin.

In place of atrophy (stretch marks), where the cells have lost their ability to divide, enter living cells. Besides, cocktails contain vitamins, amino acids, minerals, nucleic acids and coenzymes. The concentration of nutrients in the site of injection, creates supply, which is enough for a long time. The skin is saturated with nutrients, it becomes more elastic and healthy, and stretch marks become less visible or disappear altogether.

This technique allows you to reverse the irreversible processes in the field of stretch marks!

The vacuum effect:

Due to the combined effects of vacuum suction and induced laser is improving local circulation and Micro-in affected tissues.


Is the newest method of impact on problem areas: electricity and simultaneously used the laser beam. While there is stimulation of collagen, elastin and fibroblasts, which is essential for the successful treatment of stretch marks.

The use of special medical masks:

The main active ingredient masks are embryonic cell materials. The level of impact of these masks deeper due to the impact of cellular components. Stabilized cells contained in disguise, give their energy and regenerative potential in favor of depleted and weakened cells at sites of stretch marks. Activates the functions of the skin, and dramatically changes the status of the epidermis.

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