Vision: The spread of the disease

 The eyes of modern man is constantly experiencing a heavy load: at work all day, we sit in front of the monitor, and in the evening at home can not break away from the TV. Lovers reading strain on the eyes is also significant, especially for those who love to read in transport or lying in bed. As a result, each year a growing number of people with vision problems. Doctors allocate a fairly large number of different eye diseases. Let us consider the most common.

1. Cataracts

Called cataract eye disease characterized by complete or partial cataract. When the lens loses its transparency, the eye gets only a small portion of the light rays. Because of this, one sees all hazy and blurred. Pretty much it is shown in bright light. Progressive disease gradually robs human vision, especially in the absence of proper medical treatment.

Most often cataracts in people older than 40 years and can be triggered by a variety of injuries eye having diabetes, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, high radiation, etc. Cataract is the clouding of the lens further suspension, while mature cataract - surgical treatment.

2. Glaucoma

This eye disorder is characterized by constant or intermittent increase in intraocular pressure, leading to atrophy of the optic nerve. At the advanced stage of the disease the consequences can be very serious - including blindness. Glaucoma may be primary, associated with violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid, and the secondary, which is the result of certain deferred eye diseases. Distinguish congenital glaucoma and acquisitions. First manifested before the age of 3 years, acquired also develops after 40 years.

Depending on the mechanism of increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma is a form of open-closure or. The process of developing open-angle glaucoma forms provoked dysfunction of drainage system of the eye, which leads to an accumulation of intraocular fluid. Available violation of the outflow of fluid leads to increased intraocular pressure, and this creates an additional burden on the eyes. This process affects the normal blood supply to the tissues of the body and can cause pathological changes.

Closure form of glaucoma can develop because of a violation of access to the fluid drainage system of the eye, because of the peculiarities of its anatomical structure. A characteristic feature of this form of glaucoma are pain at elevated intraocular pressure, accompanied by a clear violation of view. For successful treatment of glaucoma need to diagnose the appearance of the disease. That's why doctors insist on regular, annual eye exams, especially if the person is over 40 years old. For the treatment of glaucoma used as drug therapy and surgical intervention.

3. Refractive errors Eye

For this type of vision problems include nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

In nearsightedness light beams are focused not on the retina, but in front of her. Is available because of this voltage increases intraocular pressure, which can lead to gradually increase the eyeball. Symptoms of myopia can be frequent headaches, rapid visual fatigue when driving, etc. For an accurate diagnosis must be screened and correct nearsightedness by using the lenses, glasses or refractive surgery.

Hyperopia is a visual impairment at which the image of the object is not formed on the retina, and behind it. Because of the weak refractive power farsighted eye increases muscle tension in order to focus the image on the retina. Symptoms may be poor near vision, fatigue when reading books, burning sensation in the eyes and frequent headaches, etc.

Astigmatism is a consequence of the special structure of the refractive surfaces of the cornea or lens of the eye. Thus they have a cylindrical or toric, and not spherical. Man sees in this distorted, smudged. To correct for this anomaly refractive eye using special lens.

The health of our eyes and keeping it up to a ripe old age depends on the careful attitude to his vision, timely and regular diagnosis and appropriate treatment under existing eye diseases.

What steps are you taking to maintain good vision for themselves and their children? Have you resorted to when having problems with sight to the laser correction, and how effective was the result? Discuss in a review to the article!

Tags: eye disease