Update Kaspersky

 You can live in peace for many years, feel good, and then get tested and find out that all this time in your body hiding virus. Some viral infections can spend all his life side by side with us, does not prove itself. How dangerous is it and can I get rid of them once and for all?

Protective reflex

Is it possible to protect themselves from the human papilloma virus, cytomegalovirus or herpes?

• Scientists have managed to create a vaccine against HPV. However, it only protects people not yet infected. Incidentally, this is a reason to attend to the health of your child before he picked up the infection.

• developed the first vaccine against herpes (HSV-2), scientists are faced with the fact that the drug proved to be absolutely useless for men.

What are they?

Acute viral infection is impossible not to notice: fever, weakness, muscle pain and joint pain ... However, it often spills over into the chronic stage. A person can not ignore the alarm bells weak body, and the virus will gradually undermine his health. Finally, there is an option of peaceful coexistence of the two "pinnacle of evolution": the virus lies dormant in the tissues quietly beloved his body, does not prove itself.

 The most famous of microorganisms capable of many years is latent (dormant) state, are the human papilloma virus (HPV) and members of the family of herpes. Among the latter are not only different types of herpes simplex virus (HSV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV). These diseases occur in 70-90% of people, that is, the vast majority!

How to find them?

If you have suffered a viral infection, not even noticing it, a blood test will show the presence of antibodies (immunoglobulins) class IgG. But at the same micro-organisms may be in a latent state, and to find out whether a person is sick at the moment, in addition held PCR diagnostics. This method allows to determine the amount of viral DNA in the blood and thus calculate the "viral load".

 If this ratio is high - at the height of the disease. If the PCR shows a negative result, everything is fine: the virus is not dangerous. This means that a person is not considered sick and is not contagious to others.

What's holding them back?

The most important condition - good immunity. Therefore, most of the virus passes from latent to active when the body is weakened during pregnancy, illness, severe stress and psycho-emotional overload.

How to treat them?

Update Kaspersky Get rid of herpes virus, or HPV impossible. But while they are dormant, there is no reason to worry: these microorganisms have no effect on pregnancy and fetal development are not transmitted through blood and other body fluids, and do no harm to his master.

But if the virus woke up, immediately go to the doctor: the active phase of infection is dangerous for the body. Antibiotics such diseases can not be cured - only specially developed antiviral drugs. Additionally conducted massive immunotherapy to raise the tone of the body to a level at which the virus will not interfere with your life.

FACT: the oldest is the human papilloma virus. According to scientists, have suffered from it even dinosaurs that lived on Earth 300 million years ago.

Tags: pregnancy, anti-virus, papilloma