This insidious periodontitis. Start the fight in time!

 Have you ever during brushing face the problem of bleeding gums? Let not every time, but at least sometimes, in fact happened? And what are you doing? I think it will not be wrong if we assume - nothing. Most likely, said: Nonsense! Is this cause for concern? Is it worth it because of this run to the dentist? - And in vain! With the usual bleeding gums starts very insidious disease - periodontitis.

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Doctors called periodontitis one of quite serious and not just a curable dental problems. However, only if the time is not to fight.

The more insidious periodontitis?

• Periodontitis fairly easily transferred from acute to chronic disease outbreaks.
• Chronic periodontitis occurs in waves: exacerbation alternating with remission.
• Chronic periodontitis weakens the protective function of the oral cavity and provokes frequent infectious diseases of viral nature.
• Launched periodontitis leads to the loss of healthy teeth, purulent diseases of the mucous, swelling of the gums.

Stages of periodontitis

1.The early stage of periodontal disease. Expressed in the superficial inflammation of the gums that is calledgingivitis. At this stage there is the same periodic bleeding gums, but no destructive changes occur yet.

2.Mild periodontitis. Associated with the presence of tartar and as a result the appearance in the root area of ​​the tooth exfoliation gums as shallow pockets where the rests of food. This stage is characterized by bleeding, minor inflammation in the gums and light pain.

3.Average degree of periodontitis. It seizes when inflammation deeper layers of the mucosa, the roots of the teeth and lead to destruction of the jaw bone. At this stage of gum pockets are very large and have a tendency to further their rapid growth. Symptoms added shakiness teeth, bad breath and bleeding gums have a permanent phenomenon.

4.Severe periodontitis. The most neglected. It is characterized by so much the depth of periodontal pockets that there is an irreversible bone loss. At this stage, the gum is not able to keep the roots of the teeth, whereby their spontaneous loss occurs and reaches purulent inflammation processes.

Treatment of periodontitis

Naturally, the choice of treatment depend on the stage of periodontal disease.

Periodontitis at an early stage treated with ultrasonic cleaning tartar and anti-inflammatory herbal rinses or medications.

Treatmentmild periodontitisExcept scaler requires specialized intensive washings pockets potent drugs. But the treatment is simple and gives a significant improvement in the short term.

In stepaverage degree of periodontitis already requires curettage gingival pockets when under local anesthesia is necessary to remove subgingival tartar and infected tissue of the pocket and polishing the surface of the tooth root. And sometimes to restore microflora pockets necessary to introduce gel preparations containing antibiotics, which is fraught with complications and, and side effects.

Severe periodontitis treated only by major surgery, where not do anything without removal of the affected teeth, or even \\\ "\\\ patchwork" tissue transplant surgery. At the same time carry out consolidation therapy for bone, membrane method is used for regeneration.

It is understood that in periodontitis, as in any diagnosis, one pattern: the smaller step, the easier to cure the disease. And the best and most competent - to engage in prevention.

Prevention of periodontitis

Preventive steps include:

• Use not only whitening toothpaste and correctly matched gum paste.
• Pastes for gums should be a minimum - 3, the use of which should be alternated.
• Clean the teeth thoroughly, including making and cleaning of the gums.
• Brush your teeth 2 times a day.
• Toothbrush change 1 time in 3 months.
• After eating, rinse your mouth with clean water.
• Care for a balanced diet.
• 1 half-yearly visits to the dentist.

Our bodies are created by nature is very wise. He is able to advance to signal to us about a particular issue, including on periodontitis. And if you pay attention to these warning signals and the time to take action, that periodontitis can be easily avoided.

Author: Julia Detochkin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: struggle, periodontitis