Tanning addiction

 It has long been known that the same low doses a medicine, and in large - poison. This is also true for the ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn on the skin. Tanning addiction (from the English. Tan - tan) - morbid passion for tan regardless of the season.

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Exposed to it mostly teenage girls 13-16 years. Particularly acute this problem is due to the prevalence of tanning beds - from stationary to professional home. It is in solariums "zagaromanki" intensively to maintain its shape throughout the year, not knowing or ignoring the recommendations and cautions physicians. At the same sun has its pluses and minuses.

Here are a few sayings of adolescents exposed Tanning addiction and visit a solarium a few times a week for the past year.

"If I'm not going to the solarium at least 1 day, I start to feel the white and transparent." According to his mother, the daughter can not be kept from visiting tanning, although the risk of developing skin cancer in their family is high enough - the disease was found in grandmother's young British women.

Another 15-year-old girl spends every spare moment in the sun, winter visits solarium at least three times a week, and during the annual family holiday in Greece "toasts" to themselves until the skin color is equal to the locals. "I know that already" hooked ", but nothing I can do about it. As soon as I start to feel white-skinned, I want to return immediately back up your tan. After a visit to the solarium, I feel more confident. "

It seems like a year-round golden or chocolate skin tone becomes a kind of self-affirmation way - like smoking, alcohol or drugs. And at the same time suffers primarily self-affirming health.

Doctors different countries, concerned about the health of their young citizens, trying to restrictive methods to protect adolescents from overuse tanning beds. Doctors and politicians customize inexorably rising numbers of skin cancer among the younger generation.

In the UK, which is not spoiled by sunny days, Tanning addiction among teens takes epidemic proportions. The British Medical Association (British Medical Association) and the Institute of Cancer Research (Institute of Cancer Research, UK) have made the introduction of an official ban on visiting tanning salons adolescents under 16 years of age.

In the US lawmakers of one of the sunniest states - California - offer a completely prohibit teenagers under 18 years of age to attend the solarium. State Senate intends to pass a law prohibiting teens sunbathing in special lounges, if a tan is not prescribed to them by your doctor. In 27 other states to visit tanning salons teens must obtain parental consent. However, some prohibitive measures have never been quite effective.

Program Real Story, overlooking the BBC, conducted its own investigation. 14-year-old girl walked around 10 salons tanning, randomly selected in the British city of Newcastle (Newcastle). In seven of them age girls do not ask and quite freely admitted to the solarium.

President of the Australian National Committee of dermatological (National Skin Committee) believes that adolescents exposed Tanning addiction is not due to his own stupidity, but because of the appallingly low awareness of the possible consequences. It should be noted that the incidence of skin cancer in Australia - is among the highest in the world.

Scientists are concerned that teenagers believe in safe tanning in solariums, which is not true. Insight comes much later - when developing serious complications. And well, if it is possible to notice these complications, diagnose and cure.