Migraine: Is it a disease, and how is it treated?

 The causes of a migraine attack is still not completely known, although the mechanism of the development of more or less clear. This knowledge makes it easier and stop the pain, but did not prevent the attack.

Disease or not?

Some experts do not believe the migraine disease. They call it the special conditions arising from time to time and do not harm health.

Others call migraine fairly common disease. It is closely associated with the disorder neuro-hormonal system. As a result, the vessels of a hard time adapting to changes in factors external and internal environment. In this period, the blood flows in an increased amount of biologically active substances that cause headache.

In general, migraine is characterized by paroxysmal, mostly one-sided throbbing pain in frontotemporal-eye area.

Treatment Treatment of discord

Migraine have two stages: for each characteristic of their treatment. Even a few hours before the attack, a period of precursors. Man feels weakness, lethargy, heaviness in the head, feeling anxious. There are short-term visual disturbances, dizziness. After he begins an attack - acute headache when it is difficult even to speak. The onset of pain, which often begins with flashing before my eyes Stars and zigzags, lasts from 3 to 18 hours, and then 2-3 days.

Waiting for the "miracle"

1. Bath

Under precursors can be mitigated attack, taking a warm bath with pine extract, chamomile, or shower.

2. Massage

Circular massaging his temples with his fingertips, place over the bridge, the compression nose, "washing", sweeping strokes shoulder girdle, shoulder and kneading luchepyastnogo joints. Each technique is recommended to repeat 10-20 times.

3. Tincture

In addition, we recommend anoint tincture of valerian under your nose and take the inside with strong tea 30 drops of tincture of hawthorn.

4. Gymnastics

Help primaries gentle exercises such as "mowing" counter-mahi hands and feet, etc. The exercises are aimed at vasodilatation, preparing them to spasm.

Irina Chudaeva

Tags: disease