Influenza: seven woes - one answer

 What is the flu knows, perhaps all. For scientists, it is an acute infectious disease transmitted by droplet infection and affects the respiratory system for us - cough, fever, mountain handkerchiefs and queue clinic, in a word, a lot of trouble. But flu shots have not survived, a rare class-conscious people trying to somehow escape from the flu in the epidemiological season. About Influenza portrayed in several popular myths that prove to be illiterate and ridiculous.

Myth one: not so bad flu, as he is painted
Let us turn to the figures. According to statistics, influenza and SARS get sick more than all other infections combined, and it is 40-60% of all diseases adults and children. Influenza pandemic of 1918, 1958 th and 1968's cost the lives of millions of people around the world, by the mere "Spanish flu" in 1918 50 million people died - more than were killed in the entire First World War.
Every year, flu sick children 5% and 20% of adults, with 700 to 1,600 people in a million require hospitalization, and mortality is 50-150 per million. During epidemics in half of the families have at least one sick.
Rare illness can "boast" such a wide spectrum of complications, such as the flu: Rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, encephalitis, meningitis - this is not a complete list of them. Impressive, is not it? But do not run to the pharmacy, let us first be examined with the following myth.
Myth Two: influenza is inevitable, as the collapse of imperialism
Scientists do not know exactly why outbreaks occur in winter and are not recorded in the rest of the year. However prophylaxis it - just studied the issue, for example, developed subunit vaccines. They contain no virus entirely, but only part of it, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, and "taught" so the body produces an immune response equal to that after administration of solid vaccines.
Then you say, "Why, then, does not instill all in a row, and the trick! "Experts say: this is not possible, the virus mutates and too often" escapes "of the immune response.
Each new flu epidemic is a new kind of virus, so vaccination against influenza in a single year can not sufficiently protect him from the next. Like it or not, will have to be vaccinated every year ... This is somewhat confusing, but there is another way out.
You can stimulate your own non-specific immune response and kill two birds with one stone: to suppress virus and help the immune system fight the infection. It is so effective domestic product tsikloferon - interferon inducer of the new generation. This synthetic organic compound with a strong immunomodulatory effect. It induces the production of interferons alpha and beta, have pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. That is exactly what activates tsikloferon mediated immunity, which is responsible for the fight against the virus that has entered the body. Plus detrimental effect on the virus itself, inhibiting its reproduction.
Myth Three: If the flu cure, it will be held for a week, not to treat - in the last 7 days
Medicine - an exact science, and to debunk this myth can clinical trial. So, back to the figures. Doctors from Dnepropetrovsk showed in their practice children who had tsikloferon, had the flu in 2, 5 times for 2 days and less than those who were treated with nothing.
In this case, the children of the first group of disease proceeded much easier: they felt less fatigue, and bronchitis are developed half less. After watching 3000 adolescents in the epidemic period, Doctor found: those who took tsikloferon, fever lasted at least 2-4 days, and complications such as pneumonia and bronchitis occurred 2-3 times less. It turns out, treat the flu still needed, the main thing - to choose the right treatment.
Myth four: one treat, another cripple
The first anti-influenza drug rimantadine has appeared in the 70s of the last century, and until recently was the alpha and omega of the treatment of influenza. Rimantadine blocks the synthesis of M-protein of virions and thereby violates their assembly. All anything, but recently researchers found that the virus mutated and became resistant to rimantadine and its analogue - amantadine.
In the main alternative to blockers M2-channel Tamiflu, they found undesirable side effects on the psyche, moreover, the virus quickly "adapted" to him as well. Application tsikloferona exclude this possibility, because under the influence of drugs body he controls the production of interferon. And these natural biologically active substances side effects almost none.
Myth Five: drugs the flu from the flu only help
We have already mentioned that genome of influenza virus constantly mutating. Such mutations typically are relatively small and lead to a small but sufficient for escape from antibody antigenic changes.
These mutations arise as errors during replication of RNA viruses, and are called antigenic "drift." But sometimes there are more serious changes, jumps - antigenic "shift."
For example, if the host organism are just two types of influenza viruses. Their genomes are "mixed", and turns completely new, hitherto unknown virus protection is also, of course, does not exist. Such a hypothesis appears in the world of bird flu. And here again come to the aid of interferon inducers, since their effect is nonspecific. Therefore, the order of the Health Ministry of Russia tsikloferon recommended for the prevention of not only ordinary flu, but bird flu. By the way, it can be used to prevent other acute respiratory diseases.
Myth Six: treatment of influenza expensive
An important characteristic of any drug, in addition to its action, is the price. In terms of the ratio "cost - effectiveness" tsikloferon looks very good. Prophylactic course will cost you 455 rubles, which is 4 times less than the cost arbidol amiksina and Anaferon.
And the benefit is obvious: ARI and influenza patients are sensitive to tsikloferon in 73% of cases. In addition, tsikloferon well with other medicines. His and other inducers of endogenous interferon tested in combination with strong antiviral drugs and planning to use for the treatment of hepatitis and viral immunodeficiencies.
Catherine Gamow

Tags: flu